hap³¹mək³¹ink pad hu³¹wine flask khɔn³³rice steamer ɕi⁵⁵to select ɕuk⁵³ɕi⁵³dysentery ɕu³¹tshe¹³acquaintance ɕu⁵³to receive ɕɔ⁵³laːp³¹smoked meat ɕɔ⁵³nap³¹muscle ɕɔ⁵³meat ɕɔ⁵³ŋi³¹fat meat ɕɔ⁵³ɲaŋ⁵³slow ɕəm⁵⁵ɕəm⁵⁵very cool khəm¹³there ɕən⁵³man¹³ninety ɕən⁵³nine ɕəp⁵³jaːu⁵³mosquito ɕəp⁵³laːu⁵³li⁵⁵firefly ɕəp⁵³li³¹tjət⁵³fly ɕəp⁵³mi³¹tsu⁵³dog louse fly ɕəp⁵³mi³¹fly ɕəp⁵³mi³¹greens ɕəp⁵³suk⁵³caterpillar ɕəp⁵³taːi⁵³borer moth khən¹³here ɕəp⁵³te⁵³rice borer ɕəp⁵³tɕhaːn³¹cicada ɕəp⁵³insect ɕəp⁵³ɕi⁵³roundworm ɕəp⁵³ʨuːŋ⁵³wine fermenting vat ɕət⁵³brake fern ɕət⁵³to have fever ɕəːm⁵⁵cool ɣau³³sound (sleep) ɣau¹³deep khət³¹nəm³¹molars ɣaːi⁵⁵ku³¹kək⁵³linen thread ɣaːi⁵⁵nɔk³¹course thread ɣaːi⁵⁵tsan⁵³silk ɣaːi⁵⁵tshu⁵³yarn ɣaːi⁵⁵vaːi¹¹cotton thread ɣaːi⁵⁵thread ɣaːi⁵⁵ɲaŋ⁵³fine thread ɣaːu⁵⁵blanket ɣjɔk³¹large spoon ɣuːŋ¹³nitre khɣaːm³³to warm at fire ɣɔk⁵³ox yoke ɣɔ³³ljiŋ³³saddle ɣɔ¹³throat ɣəm¹³ti⁵⁵arm ɣəm¹³ti⁵⁵left hand ɣən³¹to be angry ɣəp³¹kəm³¹to mow ɣəːn³³ant ɬai⁵³jaːŋ³¹mei³¹sweet sour plums ɬai⁵³ju³¹ʨaːu⁵³tung tree khɣaːm¹³to smoke meat ɬai⁵³kaːm⁵⁵orange tree ɬai⁵³kek⁵³pear tree ɬai⁵³kwe⁵⁵chestnut, pineapple ɬai⁵³kə¹³eggplant ɬai⁵³kə¹³hotbed chives, qiegua ɬai⁵³lau¹³sticky rice balls ɬai⁵³luːŋ¹³loquat tree ɬai⁵³mat⁵³eye ɬai⁵³mbu⁵⁵body louse ɬai⁵³mbu⁵⁵head khɯp³¹to freeze ɬai⁵³ni³¹heart ɬai⁵³pan⁵⁵birthmark ɬai⁵³pat³¹water bottle, canteen ɬai⁵³pjim⁵³grape ɬai⁵³qaːu⁵³calabash ɬai⁵³qəp³¹heel ɬai⁵³taːŋ⁵⁵gallbladder ɬai⁵³tjit⁵³penny pincher, miser ɬai⁵³tjit⁵³persimmon ɬai⁵³tjiŋ⁵⁵cucumber kjaːŋ⁵⁵to stir fry ɬai⁵³tən⁵³ljuːk³¹wintermelon, wax gourd ɬai⁵³tən⁵³tɕaŋ⁵³bittermelon ɬai⁵³tən⁵³melon, pumpkin ɬai⁵³ɣən⁵³ljiŋ³³abacus ɬai⁵³ɲɔ³¹testicle ɬai⁵³ɲɔŋ⁵⁵eggplant, tomato ɬai⁵³ʔu⁵⁵wild green ɬan³¹single, odd (number) ɬan³¹ɕit⁵³left hand ɬan³¹ʨəm⁵⁵right hand kje⁵³ thəm¹³chickens lay eggs ɬaŋ⁵³qɔ⁵⁵heavens ɬaːŋ⁵⁵pjaːi¹³lizard ɬaːŋ⁵⁵snake ɬei⁵³monkey ɬei⁵⁵to fall, drop down ɬe⁵³lau³¹floorslab ɬe⁵³saːu⁵⁵wood plank ɬe⁵³tɔk⁵³tɕɔːŋ³³lock, door bolt ɬe⁵⁵to hang ɬjak⁵³khɣaŋ³³to bloom kje⁵³jiːm⁵⁵capon ɬjak⁵³flower ɬjap⁵³ti⁵⁵fingerprint sworls ɬjaːŋ⁵⁵flat ɬjim⁵³tɔk⁵³tɕɔːŋ³³door hinges ɬjim⁵³vine for weaving ɬjin⁵³hɔ¹³very white ɬjit⁵³pe³¹plague ɬjit⁵³to die ɬjiŋ⁵⁵rat ɬjuk⁵³kət³¹very bare huːŋ¹³river, ditch kje⁵³chicken ɬjuk⁵³mbu⁵⁵bald head ɬjək⁵³pox, measles ɬu¹³silver ɬuŋ⁵³nde⁵³pond ɬɔ⁵⁵to split firewood ɬək⁵³chicken pox ɬək⁵³comforter wadding ɬək⁵³to take apart ɬə³³cutting board ɲaŋ⁵³small, little, small amount kje⁵³ʔɔ⁵⁵rooster to crow ɲe³¹to walk ɲim³³very spicy ɲin⁵³milk ɲi³³luk³¹outside ɲiŋ³¹to sleep ɲɔ³³lɔŋ³³saːu⁵³kitchen ɲɔ³³household ɲɔ³³ŋɔ¹³brick house ɲɔ³¹tɯŋ³³sweet potato ɲɔ¹³flea kuai⁵⁵to kidnap ɲɔ⁵³thəp¹¹dumplings wrapped & steamed ɲɔ⁵³rice cake (baba) ɲəm³³spicy ʔan⁵⁵sea ʔau⁵³raw ʔaːi⁵⁵we (inclusive & exclusive) ʔaːm⁵⁵dirt ʔaːp⁵³to clap hands ʔaːu⁵³father's younger brother ʔaːu⁵⁵I, me kut⁵³comb (fine-tooth) ʔe⁵³crow ʔi³³ʔə⁵³tɔk⁵³qɔ⁵³fishing pole ʔiːn⁵⁵close ʔi⁵³ljim³¹coat on tongue ʔi⁵³lɔ³¹ʨaːi⁵⁵ear excrement ʔi⁵³mat⁵³eye excrement ʔi⁵³mən³¹ankle, small of back ʔi⁵³feces ʔi⁵³ɲən³³mucus ʔi⁵⁵he/she/it ku³¹kak⁵³hemp fabric ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵long grain rice ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵ŋe³¹glutinous cooked rice ʔut⁵³to drink ʔu¹³ləp³³graveyard ʔu⁵³father's older sister ʔɔ³³not ʔɔ⁵³tsɔ⁵⁵grain ʔɔ⁵³tsɔ⁵⁵not yet gone ʔən⁵³ɕɔ⁵³to slice meat ʔəp⁵³to cover ku³¹te⁵³mother's sister's husband ʔəp⁵³ʨaːu⁵⁵pan cover ʔə³¹qaːi⁵⁵what ʨan³¹locust ʨau³³sedan chair ʨau³³ugly ʨau³¹hə³¹pi⁵⁵late morning ʨau³¹pən⁵⁵succeeding generations ʨau³¹thɔ³¹paːi⁵⁵olden days ʨau³¹ʨhi¹³older generation ʨaːi⁵⁵saːu⁵⁵tree branch ku⁵³te⁵³husband mother's sister ʨaːn³¹grasshopper ʨaːu⁵³firewood knife ʨaːu⁵⁵pot ʨa⁵⁵false, wrong ʨen³³money ʨe⁵³to move ʨhaːŋ³¹mau¹¹mason ʨhin¹³to earn ʨhin¹³to turn around ʨhi³¹street kwaŋ³¹mau¹¹ɣə³³millstone trough ʨhi¹³hard, tough ʨhi¹¹ləŋ¹³lifespan ʨhi¹¹life ʨhiːp³¹to stab, punch ʨhu³¹hoe ʨhɔ³¹mi¹³joke ʨhɔ³¹tsɔŋ³³mbuŋ⁵⁵leather belt ʨhɔ³¹tsɔŋ³³qɔ⁵⁵Milky Way ʨhɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵³lju⁵⁵grass rope ʨhɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵³ɣa³³jei⁵⁵palm bark rope kwaŋ³¹tɔk⁵³tɕɔːŋ³³door opening ʨhɔ³¹ʨɔ⁵³harrow harness ʨhək³¹ti⁵⁵joint ʨhən³¹mət³³to light a fire ʨhən³¹to skewer ʨhən⁵⁵to get, gain ʨik⁵³lazy person ʨik⁵⁵very lazy ʨin⁵³to pan fry ʨit⁵³sour ʨit⁵³very sour kwaŋ³¹tən⁵³unbred pig ʨiŋ⁵⁵ginger ʨi⁵³to exist, live ʨuk⁵³təŋ⁵⁵bronze drum ʨu³¹qɔ³³jaŋ¹³late morning ʨu³¹qɔ³³pi⁵⁵noon ʨuŋ⁵³lap⁵³gun ʨuŋ⁵³ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵burned on rice ʨuːŋ⁵³ljim⁵³sweet wine ʨuːŋ⁵³su⁵⁵medicinal wine ʨuːŋ⁵³wine, alcohol hwaŋ³³ʨaŋ⁵³very in a hurry kwaŋ¹¹size, build ʨuːŋ⁵³ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵rice wine ʨu⁵³to wait ʨɔ³³to push ʨɔ³¹ɕaŋ⁵³not exist ʨɔ³¹ɕin⁵³lə⁵³hemp ʨɔŋ³³ti⁵⁵to plow field ʨɔŋ³³plow ʨɔːŋ³³table ʨɔːŋ⁵⁵they ʨɔ⁵³harrow frame kwaŋ¹¹ɬjit⁵³corpse ʨəm³¹even (number) ʨəm⁵⁵right side ʨəm⁵⁵to help ʨən³¹kau⁵³ʔau³³rather red ʨən³¹mət³³to start fire ʨən⁵³ndi⁵⁵very malodorous ʨəp³¹lun¹³fire tongs ʨəp⁵³tu⁵⁵to pick food ʨɣək⁵³to separate kwaːi⁵⁵to swindle kwe³¹wild goose kwi⁵³vi³³to growl (of tiger) kwɔ⁵³qe¹³life experience kwə³¹qaːi⁵⁵where kəŋ⁵³cold kɣam³¹to catch kɣaːm³¹to grab hɔk³¹straw hat kɣaːn³¹tired kɣɔ⁵³ljiŋ³³big road kɯn⁵³to turn over kɯ⁵³saːu⁵⁵to saw kɯ⁵³carpenter's saw kɯ⁵³sawdust kɯ⁵⁵phje¹³to shed, take off lai³¹mə³¹mi³¹write a name lai¹³ʨɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵³vine lai⁵³mat³³to wash face hɔŋ³¹lɔŋ³¹tsuːn⁵⁵fireplace area lai⁵³pjɔ³¹ribs lai⁵³qə³¹pjin⁵⁵hail lan³¹kan⁵³railing lap³³to pack lap⁵³fast lat³¹to break something lat³¹to fall down, stumble lau³³leg, thigh lau³¹lau³¹ʔɔ³³not want lau³¹to want hən³¹maːi¹³age la³¹pjiŋ⁵³downstairs la³¹tɕu³¹candle laːi⁵³short (not long/tall) laːm³¹full laːt³³thin (not thick) laːu¹³sɔ⁵⁵rich person laːu¹³good lei³³ljei⁵³black cow lei³³cow, ox lei⁵³lei⁵³very short hən³¹pən⁵⁵afterward le¹¹to collapse li³³ljim⁵³reed trumpet li³¹tjət⁵³spider li³¹finished, late li¹³dragon li¹³rice seedling li⁵³skin dirt ljap³³lap⁵³to fly fast ljap⁵³ very tasteless ljau³³mau¹¹ɣə³³centre of a grindstone hən³¹qaːi⁵⁵which one ljaŋ³³lju³³earrings ljaŋ⁵³khaːŋ³³very bright ljaŋ⁵³bright ljaːŋ³¹ljaːŋ³¹very straight ljem³³tardy ljet³³tək⁵³corners of mouth ljeːŋ³³room of a house ljim³³ɬjim⁵⁵very black ljim³¹phje¹³collar ljim³¹to lick hən³¹ŋɔ³³ɕi⁵⁵day before yesterday ljim⁵³ljim⁵³very fragrant, sweet ljim⁵³fragrant ljim⁵³shim, space filler ljiŋ³³horse ljiŋ¹³və³³cereals lju¹¹to fear ljuːŋ³³umbrella ljɔ¹³father's older brother ljɔ¹³very slick ljɔ¹¹to drip hən³¹ʔu³¹ŋɔ³³ɕi⁵⁵day before day before yesterday lun³¹chaotic lu³¹to look afar luːk⁵³very grey luːn¹³iron luːn¹³ʔau⁵³pig iron luːŋ¹³jəːn³³brass luːŋ¹³empty luːŋ¹³red, copper luːŋ¹³ʔau⁵³copper (unrefined) lɔk³¹lei³³cowherd hau¹³ni⁵⁵now hən¹³ni⁵⁵today lɔ³³mule lɔ³¹ljiːm⁵³tongue lɔ³¹sɔ⁵³pea lɔ³¹vi⁵⁵leaf lɔ³¹ʔɔ³³don't lɔ³¹ʨaːi⁵⁵ear lɔŋ¹³jei⁵⁵back of knee lɔŋ¹³mat⁵³eye socket lɔŋ¹³mau¹¹ɣə³³ eye (mouth) of grindstone lɔŋ¹³mi³¹nose, nostril hən¹³ɕi⁵⁵yesterday lɔŋ¹³paːn⁵⁵pestle lɔŋ¹³pəːm³¹cesspool lɔŋ¹³qɔŋ⁵³back of throat lɔŋ¹³se⁵³kwi⁵³tobacco pipe lɔŋ¹³sən⁵³navel lɔŋ¹³teːk⁵³spring, water lɔŋ¹³tɔk⁵³mouth lɔŋ¹³ʔaːm⁵⁵pit, cellar lɔŋ¹³ʔi⁵³anus lɔːŋ³³lock hɣu⁵³these ləp³³pei⁵³gravestone, stele tablet ləp³³grave ləp³³to insert ləp³¹shallow ləp³¹to build ləp¹³ləp¹³very thin lət³³to lose something lə³³also lə¹³to save (leftovers) ləŋ³¹nde⁵³water well hɣɔk³¹rice pestle ləŋ¹³ləŋ¹³very long ləːŋ³³long man³¹stable man¹³mbi⁵⁵twelve mat¹³tsəp⁵³tsɔ³³tsu³³tsip⁵³khɔk³¹cuckoo mat⁵³jɔŋ⁵⁵ankle joint mat⁵³kau⁵³trachoma mat⁵³ndjep⁵³trachoma mat⁵³tɔk⁵³one-eyed person mat⁵³tɕap⁵³blind person hɣɔ⁵³to rob, wrest from mau¹¹khət³¹sharpening stone mau¹¹mət³³limestone mau¹¹stone mau¹¹ɣə³³thau¹³millstone ma³¹ljɔ¹³father's older brother's wife ma³¹mother maːi³¹jɔ¹³hundred maːi³¹one maːi¹³jɔŋ⁵⁵toenail maːi¹³pət⁵³end of month hɣɔ⁵³to stack maːi¹³səm⁵³lunar eclipse maːi¹³ti⁵⁵fingernail maːi¹³heavy maːi¹³month maːi¹³slow maːi¹³you plural maːi¹³ʨiŋ⁵⁵January, first month maːn¹³maːi³¹eleven maːn¹³me³¹kuet⁵³fifty maːn¹³me³¹fifteen hɣək⁵³hɣək⁵³very skinny maːn¹³paːi⁵⁵thirteen maːn¹³pei⁵⁵seventeen maːn¹³pju⁵³sixteen maːn¹³puːn⁵³fourteen maːn¹³saːm⁵³eighteen maːn¹³ten maːn¹³ɕən⁵³nineteen maːn¹¹chillies, hot peppers maːt³¹ti⁵⁵gloves maːt³¹socks hɣək⁵³skinny maːu¹³hat mbai⁵³kəp⁵³to be pregnant mban⁵³shaman, sorcerer mban⁵⁵to remember mbau⁵⁵day, cloudy mbaːi⁵³saːm⁵³menstruation mbaːi⁵³who mbaːi⁵³ɲɔ³³host mbaːu⁵⁵deaf person mbi³¹laːp³¹nən³¹two layers of cloth hɣət⁵³astringent mbi⁵⁵kɯ⁵⁵ljiŋ³³two classifier horses mbi⁵⁵ljiŋ³¹two matters mbi⁵⁵man¹³maːi⁵³twenty one mbi⁵⁵man¹³mbi⁵⁵twenty two mbi⁵⁵man¹³twenty mbi⁵⁵mbjɔk⁵³maːu¹³two classifier hats mbi⁵⁵phəm¹³pjaːŋ¹³two cloves of garlic mbi⁵⁵tshəm⁵⁵naːu³¹two pairs of shoes mbi⁵⁵two mbjaːŋ⁵⁵torch hɯt⁵³to leave mbju⁵³qɔ³³area, place mbjɔk⁵³li³³to explain mbjɔk⁵³leech mbuŋ⁵⁵pu³¹sexual intercourse mbuːŋ⁵⁵liver mbu⁵⁵mbaːi⁵³body, health mbu⁵⁵tshe¹³head of person mbɔk⁵³li³³reason mbɔŋ⁵⁵mat⁵³eyelid mbɔŋ⁵⁵mbu⁵⁵scalp hau¹³ʨhi³¹market place hɯ⁵⁵harrow mbɔŋ⁵⁵bamboo shoots mbɔŋ⁵⁵ɕɔ⁵³skin mbɔ⁵⁵sword, scissors mbəm³³to buy mbən⁵³mau¹¹dust mbən⁵³qɔ⁵⁵drizzle mbən⁵³taːi⁵³mbən⁵³corn-rice vermicelli mbən⁵³taːi⁵³wheat floor/noodles mbən⁵³ɲin⁵³milk powder mbən⁵³ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵rice flour/noodle, vermicelli jau³¹tall mbət⁵³to pick up mbɯ⁵³tender me³¹five me¹³to run into mi³³you mi³¹ju³¹ʔɔ³³go-not go mi³¹ljaŋ³³ljaŋ³³very smiley mi³¹first name mjau⁵³vi³³cat to meow mjaŋ³¹brake fern jau⁵³bed mjaːm¹³salt mjaːm¹³ŋaːm¹³salty mjin⁵⁵Miao, Hmong mjɔ¹³newt mui³¹ljim⁵³sleep soundly muən³¹to hide the truth mɔ³³qɔ³³sickle mɔ³¹kaːi⁵⁵bee mɔ³¹kje⁵³hen mɔ³¹kɣɔ⁵³road ja³¹tɔ³¹great grandmother mɔ³¹mau¹³finger mɔ³¹sɔŋ⁵⁵pine nuts mɔ³¹te⁵⁵pən⁵⁵mother's ancestors mɔ³¹ti⁵⁵finger mɔ³¹tshau⁵⁵tshən⁵³camphorwood tree mɔ³¹tɕin⁵⁵bumblebee mɔ³¹tən⁵³melon seed mɔ³¹tən⁵³sow pig mɔ³¹tə¹³pən⁵⁵stepmother mɔ³¹vɔ¹³buffalo cow ja³¹grandmother, old woman mɔ³¹vət³³thau¹³large grindstone mɔ³¹ɣa³³jei⁵⁵palm mɔ³¹ʔuːŋ⁵⁵mud dauber mɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵⁵mother's brother's wife mɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵⁵wife of mother's brother mɔ¹³kə³³thjap³¹a little mɔ¹³mau¹¹ɣə³³millhouse mɔŋ³³to allow mɔŋ³³to hear mɔ⁵³həm³³peach tree jaːi¹³bat mɔ⁵³kau³¹qing gan tree (valley) mɔ⁵³ljaːŋ³¹eagle mɔ⁵³nde⁵³ju³¹se⁵⁵tea tree oil mɔ⁵³ndɔk⁵⁵a kind of bamboo mɔ⁵³qɔ⁵⁵dog skin (goupi) tree mɔ⁵³qɔ⁵⁵plum tree mɔ⁵³sən⁵³qing gan tree (mountain) mɔ⁵³tsɔŋ⁵⁵willow mɔ⁵³tu⁵³ɕaːi⁵⁵Chinese toon tree mɔ⁵³ɕək⁵³fir tree, cedar jaːm³¹to cry mɔ⁵³ɣuːŋ¹³bamboo mɔ⁵³ɣɔːŋ³³pillar mɔ⁵³ɣə³¹je⁵⁵sweet gum mɔ⁵³ʨi³¹walnut tree mən³³hungry mən³¹hɯ⁵⁵teeth of harrow mən³¹pɯ⁵³baby teeth mən³¹qɔ³¹incisors mən³¹broken rice mən³¹teeth jaːn³³cloth for carrying baby mən¹³puk⁵³thick mən¹³dense, thickly matted mən¹³wife of older brother mət³³fire mət¹¹ti⁵⁵field mə³³tuːŋ⁵⁵thousand mə³¹hɣən⁵³wən³¹one classifier song mə³¹khi¹³qe¹³one piece of land mə³¹kɔ³³thau¹³one classifier large road mə³¹kɯ⁵⁵ɬaːŋ⁵⁵one classifier snake jaːu⁵³mosquito net mə³¹lam³¹qhe¹³one meal of rice mə³¹laŋ³³saːu⁵⁵one classifier tree mə³¹laŋ³³suk⁵³mbu⁵⁵one classifier hair mə³¹laŋ³³tu⁵⁵one stalk of vegetable mə³¹ljaŋ³³mət¹¹ti⁵⁵one piece of field mə³¹mbjɔk⁵³ndai⁵³one classifier basket mə³¹mbjɔk⁵³tei³³one classifier bowl mə³¹mbjɔk⁵³thəm¹³one classifier egg mə³¹mbjɔk⁵³ɲɔ³³one classifier house mə³¹mbjɔk⁵³ʨen³³one penny jep⁵⁵jɔ⁵³rice-corn porridge mə³¹ndai⁵³ɲɔ³¹tɯŋ³³one basket of sweet potatoes mə³¹pan³³suk³¹kwi⁵³one classifier cigarette mə³¹paːm³³tu⁵⁵one plate of food mə³¹pjau⁵⁵ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵one grain corn mə³¹pjək⁵³tei³³one rice bowl mə³¹pɔŋ³³tshe¹³one classifier person mə³¹pəm³³nde⁵³one barrel of water mə³¹pɯk⁵³sɴ⁵⁵one classifier book mə³¹qaːt³¹maːn¹¹one skewer of peppers mə³¹qaːt³¹ɲɔ³³one row of houses haːi¹³ʨɔːŋ³³to open door jeːn³³skirt mə³¹qɔŋ³³ɬjək⁵³one classifier flower mə³¹tap⁵³nde⁵³one bucket of water mə³¹taːu⁵³pət³¹one ream (100 sheets) of paper mə³¹tei³³qhe¹³one bowl of rice mə³¹thjəp³¹ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵one handful of rice mə³¹tsɔŋ³¹ɕɔ⁵³one piece of meat mə³¹tsəm³¹jen⁵³ʨiŋ³³one pair of glasses mə³¹tsəm³¹maːt³¹one pair of socks mə³¹tsəm³¹qɔ³³kje⁵³one clutch of chicks mə³¹tsəm³¹ɣaːp³¹one couple jeːn³¹squirrel mə³¹təp³¹saːu⁵³one bunch of grass mə³¹təp⁵³tu⁵⁵one bunch of vegetables mə³¹ɲɔ³³he¹¹one household of Han mə³¹ɲɔ³³mjin⁵⁵one household of Miao mə³¹ʨai¹³phje¹³one classifier clothing mə³¹ʨaŋ³¹nən⁵³one panel of cloth mə³¹ʨhɔ³¹ʔɔ⁵³one length of rope mɯk³¹tea nai¹³nai¹³mɔ¹³very slow nak³¹lean meat jeːŋ¹³tu⁵⁵garden nak³¹to leak nap³¹ti⁵⁵hand tendons nau³³to flow nau³³to stand up nau³¹mɔ³³to look forward to nau³¹paːm¹³comforter covering nau¹³mɔ³³to come naːp³¹ti⁵⁵fingerprint naːu³¹mbuŋ⁵⁵leather shoes naːu³¹nən³¹cloth shoes je⁵³father's younger sister naːu³¹pəːn³¹straw shoes naːu³¹tɕaːu⁵³rainboots naːu³¹shoes ndai⁵³frame (bed, window etc.) ndap⁵³cooked rice ndap⁵³to glue ndaːi⁵⁵inside nde⁵³ju³¹sə⁵⁵tea oil nde⁵³ju³¹tu⁵⁵vegetable oil nde⁵³ju³¹ʨaːu⁵³tung oil je⁵³mother's sister nde⁵³kəŋ⁵³cold water nde⁵³ljaːn¹³rice porridge nde⁵³ljaːn¹³water off cooked rice nde⁵³mat⁵³tear nde⁵³mək³¹ink nde⁵³pjiŋ⁵³hot water nde⁵³pjɔ³¹saliva, sputum nde⁵³qaːu¹³boiled water nde⁵³qɔ⁵⁵rainwater nde⁵³thɔk³¹to cut off water je⁵³wife of father's younger brother nde⁵³tu⁵⁵soup, gravy nde⁵³tɔk³¹soybean milk nde⁵³water, wet nde⁵³ɬəm⁵³flood ndjaːŋ⁵⁵crippled ndɔŋ⁵⁵much ndɔ⁵³younger brother ndɔ⁵³younger sister ndɔ⁵⁵stairs, ladder ndɔ⁵⁵to taste, try, sample je⁵³ɲaŋ⁵³second wife ndək⁵⁵to inhale ndən³³kje⁵³coxcomb ndən⁵³qu⁵⁵stomach disorder ndən⁵³tu⁵⁵edible moss ndən⁵³to swallow ndən⁵³ɕaːŋ⁵⁵edible moss ndən⁵³ʨaːu⁵³vegetable knife ndən⁵⁵scalding ndət⁵³to stop nu¹³leprosy je⁵⁵pei⁵⁵broom nɔk³³ʨip⁵³very mashed nɔ³¹Bouyei nɔ¹³polio nɔŋ¹³ti⁵⁵back of hand nəm³¹moist, humid nəm³¹to disturb nəm¹³kən⁵⁵this year nən³¹jau¹³handwoven cloth nən³¹jau¹³local cloth nən³¹ku³¹kək⁵³flax cloth je⁵⁵pjɔ³¹ribs nən³¹tshu⁵³club foot nən³¹back and forth nən³¹cloth nən³¹ɕaːŋ⁵⁵green cloth nən³¹ɬjap⁵³embroidered cloth nən³¹ɬjin⁵³which nən³¹ɬjin⁵³white cloth, rag nə³¹ɣə³³others nəːm¹³kən⁵⁵this year nəːm¹³pən⁵⁵next year je⁵⁵tap⁵³carrying pole nəːm¹³year nəːm¹³ŋɔ³¹ɕi⁵⁵year before last nəːm¹³ɕi⁵⁵last year nəːm¹³ʔu⁵⁵pən⁵⁵year after next pai⁵³mjuk³¹night after tomorrow night pai⁵³mjək³³day after tomorrow night pai⁵³tu⁵⁵matchmaker pai⁵³ɕi⁵⁵last night pai⁵³ɲɔ³³ɕi⁵⁵night before last pai⁵⁵man¹³thirty haːi¹¹to harm je⁵⁵təŋ¹³cane pan³¹naːu³¹cobbler pan¹³ʨaːu⁵⁵tinker pap⁵³ljiŋ³³ horse hooves pat⁵³paper pat⁵³pheasant pau³¹je⁵⁵bone pau³¹kuk⁵³tobacco pipe pau³¹qu⁵⁵knee pau¹³mother's father pau⁵³te⁵⁵buttocks je⁵⁵ve¹¹clavicle pa³¹father paŋ⁵⁵ŋi³¹block of lard paːi⁵³jaːn¹³tomorrow night paːi⁵³ni⁵⁵tonight paːi⁵³ŋɔ³¹ɕi⁵⁵yesterday evening's eve paːi⁵³ɕi⁵⁵yesterday evening paːi⁵⁵three paːm¹³comforter, quilt paːn¹¹plate paːn⁵⁵ŋi³¹edible oil je⁵⁵ʔə⁵³cattle whip paːu¹³tɕan³³tɕap³¹to dream paːu¹³dream, sleeptalk paːu¹¹carpenter's plane pei⁵⁵man¹³seventy pei⁵⁵seven pe³³huːŋ¹³beside river pe³³ʔan⁵⁵lake shore/bank pe³¹daughter' child pe⁵³to carry on back phan¹¹kje⁵³pullet jin⁵⁵tight phap³¹rice wine phaːp³¹to collide phaːu⁵³thɔk³¹silk fabric phe³¹frog phe³¹ʔjaːŋ⁵³green frog phi¹³to twist rope phjaŋ³¹ʨaːi⁵⁵woodear edible fungus phjaːŋ³¹mute, idiot phje¹³ku³¹kək⁵³linen clothing phje¹³paːm¹³outside clothing jin⁵⁵to present phje¹³qa³³je⁵³placenta, fetal sac phje¹³clothing phje¹³ɬjap⁵³embroidered cloth phje¹³ʨhi¹³funeral shroud phjin³³chin phjiŋ³¹ljiːm⁵³tongue root phjiŋ³¹mən³¹alveolar ridge phjiŋ³¹ɕiŋ³¹wall footing phjiŋ¹³mən³¹teeth roots phɔn¹¹steamer ji³³ljiŋ³³horse tail piŋ⁵³vɣət³¹very hot/comfortable pi⁵³head louse pi⁵⁵lai⁵³short trousers pi⁵⁵ləːŋ³³long pants pi⁵⁵trousers pjam⁵³to climb, crawl pjam⁵³ɲɔ³³tent pjan⁵³ʨi⁵³dust pan pjaŋ¹³pɯ⁵³garlic sprouts pjaŋ¹³thau¹³garlic ji¹¹roots of tree pjaːŋ¹³pɔŋ³¹onion pjaːŋ⁵³storied building pjen⁵³mək¹³pen pje⁵³steep pjim³¹sən⁵³very hard pjim³¹hard, tough pjin¹³lungs pjin⁵³qu⁵⁵pneumonia pjip³³busy pjit⁵³crooked ji¹¹tree trunk pjit⁵³vulva pjit⁵⁵duck pjiŋ⁵³hot, warm pju⁵³man¹³sixty pju⁵³six pun⁵³man¹³forty pu³¹penis pu¹³to float pu¹³to help up puŋ³¹taŋ⁵³lantern jiŋ⁵³qhɔŋ¹³goat puːn⁵³four pu⁵⁵ɲən⁵³pillow pɔ³³jiŋ³¹guest pɔ³³kje⁵³rooster pɔ³³lju¹³Bolyu pɔ³³naːu³¹shoe tops pɔ³³tən⁵³bore pig pɔ³³tə³¹pən⁵⁵father's ancestors pɔ³³tə¹³pən⁵⁵stepfather pɔ³³vɔ¹³buffalo bull jiŋ⁵³sheep pɔ³³ɕin⁵³bandit pɔ³³ɕɔ⁵⁵poor person pɔ³³ɕən⁵³guide pɔ³³ʔɔ⁵⁵mother's brother pɔŋ³³lɔŋ³¹neck pɔŋ³¹khu¹³te⁵³tobacco pouch pɔŋ³¹lɯ¹³flute pɔŋ⁵³phu³¹mət³³fire blowing tube pɔ⁵⁵jɔŋ⁵⁵back of calf pɔ⁵⁵tsu⁵³mad dog haːn¹¹ (Zhuang) goose jiːŋ¹³incense pəm⁵³to steam pəm⁵⁵bowl (crude) pən³³tɔk⁵³lips pən³³tɕak⁵³beautiful (woman) pən³¹stupid pən⁵³to hide pəŋ³¹pəŋ³¹very dense pəŋ³¹fat, fat person pə⁵³pɔŋ³¹lei³¹gong pə⁵³pət⁵³very soft ji⁵³pe³³sugarcane pə⁵³ɣəːŋ³³sieve qam⁵³husk, chaff qan⁵³te⁵³rice spike qan⁵⁵kje⁵³to call chickens qan⁵⁵tshe¹³to call someone qan⁵⁵tsu⁵³to call (dog) qat³¹to run qa³¹ɬun⁵³naːu³¹shoe opening qaːu⁵⁵jaːu⁵³mosquito net hook qaːŋ⁵⁵wings ju³³to weigh qa⁵³lje³¹great grandchild qa⁵³mat³¹head wrap qe¹³vɯ¹³wasteland qe¹³earth qhan¹¹to abuse verbally qhaːu³¹to resound in the ears qhe³¹kət⁵³to bump into qhe¹³jaːn³³breakfast qhe¹³kət⁵³stuck on rice qhe¹³kəŋ⁵³leftovers/rice ju³¹taːi⁵³to dibble, plant grain qhe¹³mbi⁵⁵lunch qhe¹³paːi⁵³supper qhe¹³taːi⁵³sweetened riceballs qhe¹³food, meal qhe¹³ŋe³¹glutinous rice qhe¹³ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵rice qhɔ¹³jeːn³³skirt waist qhɔ¹³pi⁵⁵trouser waist qhɔŋ¹³mountain, ridge, incline qhəp³¹to arrive jɔk³³dipper qu⁵⁵illness qɔk⁵³cowstall qɔm⁵⁵ljiŋ³³ horse fodder qɔn⁵⁵ljiŋ³³small horse, pony qɔn⁵⁵phe³¹tadpole qɔn⁵⁵phju³¹daughter qɔn⁵⁵son qɔt⁵³very itchy qɔ³³jaŋ¹³ɬjaːŋ⁵⁵early morning qɔ³³je⁵³child jɔ³¹han³³food supplies qɔ³³lje³¹descendants qɔ³³lje¹³grandchild, grandson qɔ³³mɔ³¹wife qɔ³³mɔŋ³¹ljaŋ⁵³dawn qɔ³³mən³³daughter-in-law qɔ³³mən¹³bride qɔ³³nən³¹shuttle of loom qɔ³³paːi⁵³evening qɔ³³phju³¹girl qɔ³³pjin⁵⁵hail jɔ³¹kə³³jɔ³¹gone qɔ³³qəŋ⁵³typhoid fever qɔ³³te⁵³father's younger sister's husband qɔ³³tsɔ¹³groom qɔ³¹pɔ³³male qɔ³¹qhɔk³¹foreskin qɔ³¹scar, ulcer, hemorrhoid qɔ³¹to choke qɔ¹³mɔ³¹female qɔŋ⁵⁵su⁵⁵kwi⁵³cigarette qɔŋ⁵⁵trough jɔ³¹lɔ¹³demon, spirit, soul qɔ⁵³pjaːi¹³mudfish qɔ⁵³fish qɔ⁵³to hew down qɔ⁵⁵hɯk⁵³drought qɔ⁵⁵laːu¹³clear day qɔ⁵⁵ljeːt⁵³lightning qɔ⁵⁵ljim³³black sky qɔ⁵⁵mɔ¹³rainy day qɔ⁵⁵səm⁵³cloudy qɔ⁵⁵tjuːŋ⁵⁵thunder jɔŋ³¹klɔːŋ³³key qɔ⁵⁵vɯk³¹cloud qɔ⁵⁵beeswax qɔ⁵⁵sky, rain qət³¹pjiŋ⁵³upstairs qə³³jaːn¹³tomorrow qə³³mat³¹towel qə³³mjək³³day after tomorrow qə³¹hən¹³sun qə³¹hən¹³sunflower seed qə³¹lai⁵³below jɔŋ³¹ʔjaːŋ⁵⁵beggar qə³¹lau¹³sunny day qə³¹maːi¹³moon qə³¹muŋ³¹ljaŋ⁵³sunrise qə³¹pau³¹star qə³¹səm⁵³tshɔ⁵³rainbow qə³¹təŋ⁵⁵phjin¹³storm wind qə³¹təŋ⁵⁵wind qə³¹ɬjaːŋ⁵⁵sunshine qə³¹ʨim⁵³snow, ice qə⁵³lju³³qɔ¹³swallow he¹¹Han Chinese jɔŋ⁵⁵lək⁵³toe qə⁵³ɬei⁵⁵pigeon qə⁵⁵ndaːi⁵⁵shadow saːi⁵³to be able, to understand saːi⁵⁵to sell saːm⁵³maːn¹³eighty saːm⁵³blood saːm⁵³eight saːu⁵⁵tɕhi¹³coffin saːu⁵⁵tree wood sek⁵³qɔ⁵⁵atmosphere jɔŋ⁵⁵pi⁵⁵trouser legs sek⁵³air se⁵³mət³³smoke se⁵³ndjɔ⁵⁵cold (illness) se⁵³qɔ⁵⁵fresh air se⁵³su⁵⁵kwi⁵³cigarette paper se⁵³stomach gas si⁵⁵book si⁵⁵to shiver sjeːŋ⁵³fart suk⁵³kje⁵³chicken feathers jɔŋ⁵⁵foot suk⁵³mat⁵³eye lashes suk⁵³mbu⁵⁵head hair suk⁵³pjit⁵³female pubic hair suk⁵³pu³¹male pubic hair suk⁵³pə⁵³body hair, down feathers suk⁵³ʨhi³¹feathers, fully fledged/old sun⁵³sparrow-like bird sun⁵³to count sun⁵³to sew clothes su⁵⁵mət³³mugwort jɔŋ⁵⁵ɬəŋ⁵⁵lower leg su⁵⁵tɕuːŋ⁵³brewer's yeast su⁵⁵medicine su⁵⁵to buy su⁵⁵ʨuŋ⁵³gunpowder sɔ³³ʨuːŋ⁵³wine dregs sɔŋ⁵³boat sɔ⁵⁵ŋi³¹oil cake sən⁵³bird səp⁵³sweat sə⁵³ɲɔ³³eaves of roof jəm³³longtime sɯŋ⁵⁵suitcase tai¹³saːu⁵⁵bowl (wood) tai¹³su⁵⁵kwi⁵³pipe bowl tai¹³bowl (small) tam⁵³to don, put on tan³¹ju¹³very light in weight tap³¹near tau⁵⁵husband ta³¹tɔ³¹great grandfather ta³¹grandfather jəm⁵³to sit down taŋ¹³taŋ¹³very fat taŋ⁵³lamp taŋ⁵⁵to cook taːi³¹phje¹³pocket taːi¹³phje¹³sleeve taːi¹³mother's mother taːi⁵³corn taːn³¹light in weight taːt³¹bamboo strip tei³¹and, to follow jən⁵³ti⁵⁵to raise hands tei³¹food supplies te³³tɕi³³front door te¹³qɔ¹³back te⁵³rice plant te⁵³ŋe³¹glutinous rice plant thap¹¹tap⁵³to carry pole thap¹¹to carry on shoulder thaːp¹¹to fight against, resist thaːu³¹to tie up thaːu³¹ʔuːn⁵⁵to tie tight jəːm³³old thaːŋ³³lie down the³¹mət³³flint thi³¹paːu⁵³bag thi³¹tu⁵⁵after thi¹¹insanity, insane person thiŋ³¹mən³¹gums thjat³¹slippery thjaŋ³¹huːŋ¹³river bottom thjaŋ³¹jɔŋ⁵⁵instep thjaːŋ³¹naːu³¹shoe soles jəːn³³pjaːŋ⁵⁵pjaːŋ⁵⁵very yellow thɔk³¹to break in two, to part thɔ¹³to compare thɔŋ¹³mbu⁵⁵brain thɔŋ¹³pu⁵⁵to ferment thəm¹³ ɬjaːŋ⁵⁵duck egg thəm¹³ ɬjuk⁵³egg liquid with chick thəm¹³kje⁵³chicken egg thəm¹³kwe⁵⁵egg chick can't get out thəm¹³sən⁵³bird egg thəm¹³egg jəːn³³to yellow thəp¹¹to explode ti⁵⁵hand ti⁵⁵to reduce tjap⁵³to slap tjau³¹kən⁵³spoon tjaŋ³¹urine tjaːŋ³³fishnet tjei³¹to scratch earth tjim³³to join tjim³¹to prop up he¹¹ʨhi¹³Gelao jəːt⁵³to drip tjim³¹to step high tjim¹³ve¹¹shoulder padding tjim⁵³to walk in step tjim⁵⁵to add, increase tjip⁵³tshəm¹³midnight tjip⁵³large barrel, back basket tjiːp³¹back basket tjuk⁵³jəp³¹tjuk⁵³tse³¹jump up and down tjuk⁵³to jump tju⁵³chicken louse kai³¹sand tjɔk⁵³to dig, peck tjɔ⁵³ɬe³³face tjɔ⁵⁵ti⁵⁵palm of hand tjɔ⁵⁵to lose tjɔ⁵⁵to throw away tsan⁵³qhe¹³leftovers/rice tsaːm⁵⁵to talk tse³¹lei³³to beat cow tse³¹comb (coarse) tse³¹to descend, go down kai¹³khu⁵³ring tshau⁵⁵sʐ³¹sleeping mat tshe³¹ʔai⁵⁵own household tshe¹³laːu¹³good person tshe¹³ljin³¹young person tshe¹³mbau⁵⁵deaf person tshe¹³ti⁵⁵bad person tshe¹³person tshe¹³ʔaːi⁵⁵self tshe¹³ʨhi¹³old man tshi³¹straight kat⁵³phje¹³button tshu¹³body awaiting burial tshɔk³¹li¹³to insert tshɔ¹³tən⁵³to feed pigs tshɔ¹³to feed tshɔŋ¹³maːt³¹sock inserts tshɔŋ¹³ɕɔ⁵³meat slices tshəp³¹fist tsi³¹se⁵⁵official tsi³¹wən³¹song tsi³¹to do kau⁵³haːŋ³³very red tsi⁵³wrinkles tsu⁵³hu¹³hunting dog tsu⁵³kaŋ⁵³to bark (of dogs) tsu⁵³dog tsu⁵³very rough tsɔ¹³ray, illumination tsɔŋ¹³thəm¹³eggshell tsɔːŋ³³chisel tsɔ⁵⁵haːn³³not yet eaten tsɔ⁵⁵to eat kau⁵⁵lei³³cow horn tsɔ⁵⁵ɕaŋ⁵³have eaten tsəm⁵³double tsən³³to quake tsən⁵³stinky tsəp⁵³paːu¹¹plane blade tsəp⁵³to chop tut⁵⁵thəp³³cabbage tu³³maːn¹¹tube, pipe tu³³hammer tu³³ʨɔŋ⁵⁵everyone kau⁵⁵ljaːŋ³¹stool tu³¹dull tu³¹ʔɔ⁵³grass tu⁵⁵khɔ¹³nde⁵³moss tu⁵⁵pau⁵³radish tu⁵⁵pjin⁵³three-color amaranth tu⁵⁵ɕaːŋ⁵⁵green vegetables tu⁵⁵ɬin⁵³Chinese cabbage tu⁵⁵ʨit⁵⁵pickled vegetables tɔk³¹bean tɔk³¹poison kaŋ¹³pole for carrying tɔk¹³fu¹³tofu tɔk¹³fu¹³ʨiːn⁵³tofu skin tɔk¹³qɔŋ³³story tɔk¹³ʨiŋ⁵⁵year's end tɔk⁵³hɣaːu⁵⁵hare lip tɔk⁵³khwi¹³plowshare tɔk⁵³ni³¹a cheat tɔk⁵³pjit⁵³crooked mouth tɔk⁵³suk⁵³beard, sideburns tɔk⁵³tɕɔːŋ³³thi³¹ɲɔ³³back door kaːi¹¹to wake up tɔk⁵³tɕɔːŋ³³door tɔk⁵³wu⁵⁵lei³³cow's nose ring tɔk⁵³ɬjaːŋ⁵⁵duck tɔk⁵³ɲin⁵³nipple tɔ³¹time (one time, two times) tɔ¹³talk tɔŋ⁵⁵pus tɔ⁵³tɔ⁵³ʔɔ³³na¹³give-not give tɔ⁵³to give tɔ⁵⁵tsuːŋ³³teacher kaːi⁵⁵to correct tɕau¹³bridge tɕaŋ⁵³bitter tɕaːi³¹ɬjit⁵³dead person tɕaːŋ³¹luːn¹³blacksmith tɕaːŋ³¹saːu⁵⁵carpenter tɕaːŋ³¹tat³¹bamboo strip weaver tɕaːŋ³¹ŋɔ¹³bricklayer tɕhaŋ³¹pi⁵⁵crotch of trousers tɕhei³¹to ask tɕhɔ³¹lɔŋ¹³mi³¹cattle bridle hji⁵⁵gold kaːn³³pock marked tɕhɔ³¹tshɔŋ¹³mbun⁵⁵leather belt tɕhɔ³¹tshɔŋ¹³waist belt tɕhək³¹ɣuːŋ¹³bamboo joint tɕhən¹¹to dip tɕhəp³¹crisp tɕhəp³¹crossbeam tɕhəŋ¹³ɣuːŋ¹³bamboo grove tɕin⁵³cooked, ripe tɕin⁵⁵tɕap⁵⁵to catch sight of tɕit⁵³mau¹¹boundary marker kaːp³¹suk⁵³mbu⁵⁵wig, headpin tɕit⁵³boundary tɕuk⁵³təŋ⁵⁵barrel hoop tɕu³¹qɔ³³paːi⁵³afternoon tɕuŋ⁵³bow tɕuːi⁵⁵banana tɕɔŋ⁵³lau⁵³button hole tɕən³³to deafen tɕəp³¹phje¹³to cut out clothes tɕəp³¹to cut with scissors tək⁵³ni³¹pit of stomach kaːu⁵⁵jaŋ⁵³trivet təm³³ʨɔŋ³³threshold təm¹³ti⁵⁵paddy wall təm¹³ridge or path in a field təm⁵³to bring tən⁵³pəŋ³¹fat pig tən⁵³pig tən⁵³to pound rice tən⁵³ŋi³¹fat pig təp³¹bracelet tə³³jau³¹above kaːu⁵⁵tɕin⁵⁵chair, woven straw trivet tə³³pən³³just tə³³pən⁵⁵behind tə³³ŋaːn³³ahead tə³¹pe³¹relatives tə³¹qhɔŋ¹³top of mountain təŋ³³jit⁵³pei¹³brown sugar təŋ³³kei⁵³sesame candy təŋ⁵⁵to soak təːŋ¹³ji⁵³pe³³raw sugar təːŋ¹³kaːi⁵⁵honey kaːŋ³³ceramic barrel təːŋ¹³sugar təːŋ¹³ɬjin³³refined sugar tɯ³³chopsticks vai⁵³vɣəŋ³³to bend back and forth vak³¹bottle gourd vaːi¹³to shake vaːi¹¹bad, to break, go bad vaːn¹¹to change, exchange ve¹¹jau⁵³apron ve¹¹phje¹³cape kaːŋ³³transparent (water) ve¹¹shoulder vi³³to make sound, resound vi³¹older brother vi³¹older sister vi⁵⁵firewood vjaːŋ³¹to dye vjaːŋ¹³ɬu¹³necklace vjaːŋ¹¹ʨaːu⁵⁵pot ring vɔ¹³water buffalo vək³¹nde⁵³water ladle kha¹³ɲɔ³³central room vən⁵⁵to wash things vɣə³¹qaːi⁵⁵how vɯk¹³fog vɯn⁵³to drip vɯŋ¹³qɔ⁵³to fish waːi¹³last name waːn¹¹ten thousand wu¹³tu³³owl wu¹³tɔ³³tsi³³temples wɔ³³ɲɔ³³foundation khit³¹breast of woman wɔ⁵³ɲɔ³³jəːm³³old houses wən¹³pjɔ³¹to quarrel wən⁵³phje¹³to wash clothes ŋan¹³tɔk⁵³opposite ŋaːm¹³mute person ŋaːn³³mbjaŋ⁵³forehead ŋaːt³¹sprout, to sprout ŋi³¹hua⁵³sən⁵³peanut oil ŋi³¹lei³³beef tallow ŋi³¹tɔk³¹bean oil khwɔ³³khe³¹very sparse ŋi³¹oil ŋəm³¹hold in mouth, to suck on ŋəm¹³monolingual Bolyu ɕai³¹thai⁵³rice drying area ɕau⁵³to get skinny ɕaːn⁵³nən³¹rag ɕaːŋ⁵³granary ɕin⁵³to steal ɕip⁵³fan ɕit⁵³hand and arm khwən¹³axe ɕit⁵³left side ɕit⁵³to feel, touch ɕiŋ³¹wall ɕi⁵³ləp³¹abdomen ɕi⁵³mbuŋ⁵⁵nak³¹sausage ɕi⁵³thau¹³large intestine ɕi⁵³belly, intestine ɕi⁵³ɲaŋ⁵³small intestine ɕi⁵⁵hwən⁵³happy ɕi⁵⁵intelligent