Andreev, N.D.(N.D.), Batova, D.A., Panfilov, V.S. and Petrov, V.M.(V.M.). 1958, "Elementy nezavistimogo analiza vo v'etnamsko--russkom algoritme mashinogo perevoda", in Materials for machine translation, vol. I, pp. 199-208.
Andreev, N.D.(N.D.), Batova, D.A., Panfilov, V.S. and Petrov, V.M.(V.M.). (1958). Elementy nezavistimogo analiza vo v'etnamsko--russkom algoritme mashinogo perevoda. Materials for machine translation, I, 199-208.
Andreev, N. D., D. A. Batova, V. S. Panfilov and V. M. (Vladimir Mikhaelovich) Petrov. 1958. "Elementy Nezavistimogo Analiza Vo V'etnamsko--russkom Algoritme Mashinogo Perevoda." In Materials for machine translation, I: 199-208.
Andreev, N. D., D. A. Batova, V. S. Panfilov and V. M. (Vladimir Mikhaelovich) Petrov. "Elementy Nezavistimogo Analiza Vo V'etnamsko--russkom Algoritme Mashinogo Perevoda." Materials for machine translation. I. (1958): 199-208.
Citation within the text:
(Andreev, Batova, Panfilov & Petrov 1958)
Save reference in Zotero
  author = {Andreev, N. D. (Nikolai Dmitrievich) and Batova, D. A. and Panfilov, V. S. and Petrov, V. M. (Vladimir Mikhaelovich)},
  title = {Elementy nezavistimogo analiza vo v'etnamsko--russkom algoritme mashinogo perevoda},
  year = {1958},
  journal = {Materials for machine translation},
  volume = {I},
  pages = {199-208},
  keywords = {Vietnamese: Machine transl},
  x-translation = {Elements of independent analysis in Vietnamese--Russian algorithm of machine translation},
  source = {Huffman86-a-k},