Harvard: Becker, A.L. 1975, "A linguistic image of nature: the Burmese numerative classifier system", in Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia, ed. J. Rubin, pp. 109-21. APA: Becker, A.L. (1975). A linguistic image of nature: the Burmese numerative classifier system. In J. Rubin (Ed.), Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia, 109-21. Chicago: Becker, Alton L. 1975. "A Linguistic Image of Nature: the Burmese Numerative Classifier System." In Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia, edited by Joan Rubin. 109-21. MLA: Becker, Alton L. "A Linguistic Image of Nature: the Burmese Numerative Classifier System." Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia. Ed. Joan Rubin. 1975, 109-21.Citation within the text: (Becker 1975)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Becker, Alton L.},
editor = {Rubin, Joan},
title = {A linguistic image of nature: the Burmese numerative classifier system},
year = {1975},
booktitle = {Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia},
pages = {109-21},
keywords = {Burmese: Clfr},
x-series = {<Linguistics>},
x-unclear = {165},
source = {Huffman86-a-k},