Harvard: Blust, R. 1980, "Early Austronesian social organization: the evidence of language; with comments", in Current Anthropology, vol. 21, no. 2, APA: Blust, R. (1980). Early Austronesian social organization: the evidence of language; with comments. Current Anthropology, 21 (2) , . Chicago: Blust, Robert. 1980. "Early Austronesian Social Organization: the Evidence of Language; with Comments." In Current Anthropology, 21 , no. 2: . MLA: Blust, Robert. "Early Austronesian Social Organization: the Evidence of Language; with Comments." Current Anthropology. 21.2 (1980): .Citation within the text: (Blust 1980)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
title = {Early Austronesian social organization: the evidence of language; with comments},
author = {BLUST, Robert},
journal = {Current Anthropology},
year = {1980},
month = {Apr},
volume = {21},
number = {2},
address = {Chicago},
keywords = {Southeast Asia;Language;Southeast Asia;Anthropology & Sociology},
x-date = {Apr, 1980},
BAS = {92646},
source = {bas},