Harvard: Bofman, T.H 1978, "The poetics of the <Ramakian>", PhD thesis, University of Michigan. APA: Bofman, T.H (1978). The poetics of the <Ramakian>. PhD thesis. University of Michigan. Chicago: Bofman, Theodora Helene. The Poetics of the <Ramakian>. PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1978. MLA: Bofman, Theodora Helene. The Poetics of the <Ramakian>. PhD thesis. University of Michigan, 1978. Citation within the text: (Bofman 1978)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Bofman, Theodora Helene},
title = {The poetics of the <Ramakian>},
year = {1978},
pages = {354 pp.},
school = {University of Michigan},
keywords = {Thai: Versification},
x-microfilm = {Dissertation Abstracts Intl. 39.19:6136-37A; University Microfilms 7907033},
source = {Huffman86-a-k},