Chang, K. 1953, "On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages", in Language, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 374--378. Linguistic Society of America.
Chang, K. (1953). On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages. Language, 29 (3) , 374--378. Linguistic Society of America.
Chang, Kun. 1953. "On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages." In Language, 29 , no. 3: 374--378. Linguistic Society of America.
Chang, Kun. "On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages." Language. 29.3 (1953): 374--378.
Citation within the text:
(Chang 1953)
Save reference in Zotero
  source = {jstor},
  ISSN = {0097-8507},
  author = {Chang, Kun},
  copyright = {Copyright 1953 Linguistic Society of America},
  journal = {Language},
  jstor_articletype = {Full Length Article},
  jstor_date = {195307/195309},
  jstor_formatteddate = {Jul. - Sep., 1953},
  month = {jul},
  number = {3},
  pages = {374--378},
  publisher = {Linguistic Society of America},
  title = {On the Tone System of the Miao-Yao Languages},
  url = {http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0097-8507%28195307%2F09%2929%3A3%3C374%3AOTTSOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-R},
  volume = {29},
  year = {1953},