Harvard: Diller, A.V.N.(V.N.) 1976, "Toward a model of Southern Thai diglossic speech variation", PhD thesis, Cornell University. APA: Diller, A.V.N.(V.N.) (1976). Toward a model of Southern Thai diglossic speech variation. PhD thesis. Cornell University. Chicago: Diller, Anthony V. N. Toward a Model of Southern Thai Diglossic Speech Variation. PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1976. MLA: Diller, Anthony V. N. Toward a Model of Southern Thai Diglossic Speech Variation. PhD thesis. Cornell University, 1976. Citation within the text: (Diller 1976)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Diller, Anthony V. N. (Van Nostrand)},
title = {Toward a model of Southern Thai diglossic speech variation},
year = {1976},
pages = {xiii, 337 pp., illus.},
school = {Cornell University},
keywords = {Thai, Southern: Diglossia},
x-microfilm = {Dissertation Abstracts Intl. 38.7:4135-A; University Microfilms 77-18,199},
x-library = {UHM ASIA MICROFILM S00089 item 3 | },
source = {Huffman86-a-k},