Harvard: Downing, P. 1986, "The anaphoric use of classifiers in Japanese", in Noun classes and categorization, ed. C. Craig, pp. 345-375. Benjamins.APA: Downing, P. (1986). The anaphoric use of classifiers in Japanese. In C. Craig (Ed.), Noun classes and categorization, 345-375. Benjamins.Chicago: Downing, Pamela. 1986. "The Anaphoric Use of Classifiers in Japanese." In Noun classes and categorization, edited by Colette Craig. 345-375. Benjamins.MLA: Downing, Pamela. "The Anaphoric Use of Classifiers in Japanese." Noun classes and categorization. Ed. Colette Craig. 1986, Benjamins, 345-375.Citation within the text: (Downing 1986)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
title = {The anaphoric use of classifiers in Japanese},
author = {DOWNING, Pamela},
booktitle = {Noun classes and categorization},
year = {1986},
pages = {345-375},
editor = {Craig, Colette},
publisher = {Benjamins},
address = {Amsterdam},
keywords = {Japan;Language;Linguistics},
x-extra = {. 481p. , ,},
BAS = {175627},
source = {bas},