Harvard: Emeneau, M.B. and Steinen, D... 1943, "A course in Annamese: lessons in the pronunciation and grammar of the Annamese language", pp. iii, 243 (i.e. 256) numbered leaves, reproduced from typewritten copy. Army Specialized Program, University of California.APA: Emeneau, M.B. and Steinen, D... (1943). A course in Annamese: lessons in the pronunciation and grammar of the Annamese language. iii, 243 (i.e. 256) numbered leaves, reproduced from typewritten copy. Army Specialized Program, University of California.Chicago: Emeneau, Murray B. and Diether von den Steinen. 1943. "A Course in Annamese: Lessons in the Pronunciation and Grammar of the Annamese Language." iii, 243 (i.e. 256) numbered leaves, reproduced from typewritten copy. Army Specialized Program, University of California.MLA: Emeneau, Murray B. and Diether von den Steinen. "A Course in Annamese: Lessons in the Pronunciation and Grammar of the Annamese Language." 1943, iii, 243 (i.e. 256) numbered leaves, reproduced from typewritten copy.Citation within the text: (Emeneau & Steinen 1943)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Emeneau, Murray B. and Steinen, Diether von den},
title = {A course in Annamese: lessons in the pronunciation and grammar of the Annamese language},
year = {1943},
pages = {iii, 243 (i.e. 256) numbered leaves, reproduced from typewritten copy},
publisher = {Army Specialized Program, University of California},
address = {Berkeley, CA},
keywords = {Vietnamese: Textbook},
x-library = {UCSB Main Lib PL4373.E5 | },
source = {Huffman86-a-k},