Harvard: Erbaugh, M.S. 1990, "Mandarin oral narratives compared with English: the pear / guava stories", in Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, no. 2, APA: Erbaugh, M.S. (1990). Mandarin oral narratives compared with English: the pear / guava stories. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, (2) . Chicago: Erbaugh, Mary S. 1990. "Mandarin Oral Narratives Compared with English: the Pear / Guava Stories." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, , no. 2. MLA: Erbaugh, Mary S. "Mandarin Oral Narratives Compared with English: the Pear / Guava Stories." Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. 2 (1990): .Citation within the text: (Erbaugh 1990)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
title = {Mandarin oral narratives compared with English: the pear / guava stories},
author = {ERBAUGH, Mary S.},
journal = {Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association},
year = {1990},
month = {May},
number = {2},
address = {Philadelphia, PA},
keywords = {China;Language},
x-date = {May, 1990},
BAS = {185524},
source = {bas},