Harvard: Kiparsky, P. xxxx, "Some theoretical problems in Panini's grammar", vol. 16, APA: Kiparsky, P. (xxxx). Some theoretical problems in Panini's grammar. 16, . Chicago: Kiparsky, Paul. xxxx. "Some Theoretical Problems in Panini's Grammar." 16: . MLA: Kiparsky, Paul. "Some Theoretical Problems in Panini's Grammar." 16. (xxxx): .Citation within the text: (Kiparsky xxxx)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
title = {Some theoretical problems in Panini's grammar},
author = {KIPARSKY, Paul},
year = {xxxx},
volume = {16},
address = {Post-graduate and Research Department series, 16, Prof. K.V. Abhyankar memorial lectures, second series.},
keywords = {India;Language;Linguistics},
x-extra = {Post-graduate and Research Department series,Prof. K.V. Abhyankar memorial lectures, second series.},
BAS = {318553},
source = {bas},