Harvard: Lee, T. 1983, "An acoustical study of the register distinction in Mon", in UCLA/ WPP, no. 57, pp. 79-96. APA: Lee, T. (1983). An acoustical study of the register distinction in Mon. UCLA/ WPP, (57) 79-96. Chicago: Lee, Thomas. 1983. "An Acoustical Study of the Register Distinction in Mon." In UCLA/ WPP, , no. 5779-96. MLA: Lee, Thomas. "An Acoustical Study of the Register Distinction in Mon." UCLA/ WPP. 57 (1983): 79-96.Citation within the text: (Lee 1983)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Lee, Thomas},
title = {An acoustical study of the register distinction in Mon},
journal = {UCLA/ WPP},
number = {57},
year = {1983},
pages = {79-96},
x-huffmanId = {180},
source = {huffman-l-z},