Harvard: Linthicum, L.A. 1973, "Defoliating subordinate clauses in Vietnamese", in Papers from the comparative syntax festival,, ed. .., C. Corum et al., Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society:104-20..APA: Linthicum, L.A. (1973). Defoliating subordinate clauses in Vietnamese. In .., C. Corum et al. (Ed.), Papers from the comparative syntax festival,, . Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society:104-20..Chicago: Linthicum, L. A. 1973. "Defoliating Subordinate Clauses in Vietnamese." In Papers from the comparative syntax festival,, edited by eds., C. corum et al.. . Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society:104-20..MLA: Linthicum, L. A. "Defoliating Subordinate Clauses in Vietnamese." Papers from the comparative syntax festival,. Ed. eds., C. corum et al.. 1973, Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society:104-20., .Citation within the text: (Linthicum 1973)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Linthicum, L. A.},
title = {Defoliating subordinate clauses in Vietnamese},
booktitle = {Papers from the comparative syntax festival,},
editor = {C. Corum et al., eds.,},
publisher = {Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society:104-20.},
year = {1973},
x-huffmanId = {477},
source = {huffman-l-z},