Harvard: Lu Shaozun. 1980, "A brief description of the Primi language", in MZYW, pp. 58-72. APA: Lu Shaozun. (1980). A brief description of the Primi language. MZYW, 58-72. Chicago: Lu Shaozun. 1980. "A Brief Description of the Primi Language." In MZYW, 58-72. MLA: Lu Shaozun. "A Brief Description of the Primi Language." MZYW. (1980): 58-72.Citation within the text: (Lu 1980)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {{Lu Shaozun}, {}},
title = {A brief description of the Primi language},
journal = {MZYW},
year = {1980},
pages = {58-72},
x-huffmanId = {577},
source = {huffman-l-z},