Harvard: Luce, G.H. 1959, "Introduction to the comparative study of Karen languages", in JBRS, pp. 1-18. APA: Luce, G.H. (1959). Introduction to the comparative study of Karen languages. JBRS, 1-18. Chicago: Luce, Gordon H. 1959. "Introduction To the Comparative Study of Karen Languages." In JBRS, 1-18. MLA: Luce, Gordon H. "Introduction To the Comparative Study of Karen Languages." JBRS. (1959): 1-18.Citation within the text: (Luce 1959)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Luce, Gordon H.},
title = {Introduction to the comparative study of Karen languages},
journal = {JBRS},
year = {1959},
pages = {1-18},
x-huffmanId = {590},
source = {huffman-l-z},