Harvard: Moskalev, A.A. 1970, "Predvaritel'nye zamechaniia po fonologii govora Tian'ba", in VMFF, pp. 260-7. APA: Moskalev, A.A. (1970). Predvaritel'nye zamechaniia po fonologii govora Tian'ba. VMFF, 260-7. Chicago: Moskalev, A. A. 1970. "Predvaritel'nye Zamechaniia Po Fonologii Govora Tian'ba." In VMFF, 260-7. MLA: Moskalev, A. A. "Predvaritel'nye Zamechaniia Po Fonologii Govora Tian'ba." VMFF. (1970): 260-7.Citation within the text: (Moskalev 1970)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Moskalev, A. A.},
title = {Predvaritel'nye zamechaniia po fonologii govora Tian'ba},
translatedtitle = {Preliminary notes on the phonology of the Tian'ba dialect]"},
journal = {VMFF},
year = {1970},
pages = {260-7},
x-huffmanId = {1438},
x-inLang = {ITEM# :1438},
source = {huffman-l-z},