Harvard: Pintip Tuaycharoen. 1984, "Developmental strategies in the acquisition of classifiers in Thai", in CSLL., APA: Pintip Tuaycharoen. (1984 ). Developmental strategies in the acquisition of classifiers in Thai. CSLL., . Chicago: Pintip Tuaycharoen. 1984. "Developmental Strategies in the Acquisition of Classifiers in Thai." In CSLL., . MLA: Pintip Tuaycharoen. "Developmental Strategies in the Acquisition of Classifiers in Thai." CSLL.. 1984, .Citation within the text: (Pintip 1984)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {{Pintip Tuaycharoen}, {}},
title = {Developmental strategies in the acquisition of classifiers in Thai},
booktitle = {CSLL.},
year = {1984},
x-huffmanId = {2582},
source = {huffman-l-z},