Harvard: Pulleyblank, E.G. 1963, "An interpretation of the vowel systems of Old Chinese and writ-ten Burmese", in Ancient Mesoamerica, pp. 200-21. APA: Pulleyblank, E.G. (1963). An interpretation of the vowel systems of Old Chinese and writ-ten Burmese. Ancient Mesoamerica, 200-21. Chicago: Pulleyblank, Edwin G. 1963. "An Interpretation of the Vowel Systems of Old Chinese and Writ-ten Burmese." In Ancient Mesoamerica, 200-21. MLA: Pulleyblank, Edwin G. "An Interpretation of the Vowel Systems of Old Chinese and Writ-ten Burmese." Ancient Mesoamerica. (1963): 200-21.Citation within the text: (Pulleyblank 1963)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Pulleyblank, Edwin G.},
title = {An interpretation of the vowel systems of Old Chinese and writ-ten Burmese},
journal = {Ancient Mesoamerica},
year = {1963},
pages = {200-21},
x-huffmanId = {2789},
source = {huffman-l-z},