Harvard: Ray, D.T. 1979, "Sources of Middle Chinese phonology: a prolegomena to the study of Vietnamized Chinese,", APA: Ray, D.T. (1979). Sources of Middle Chinese phonology: a prolegomena to the study of Vietnamized Chinese,. . Chicago: Ray, David T. 1979. "Sources of Middle Chinese Phonology: a Prolegomena To the Study of Vietnamized Chinese,." . MLA: Ray, David T. "Sources of Middle Chinese Phonology: a Prolegomena To the Study of Vietnamized Chinese,." (1979): .Citation within the text: (Ray 1979)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Ray, David T.},
title = {Sources of Middle Chinese phonology: a prolegomena to the study of Vietnamized Chinese,},
address = {in linguistics, Southern Illinois U.},
year = {1979},
x-huffmanId = {2927},
source = {huffman-l-z},