Harvard: Serdiuchenko, G.P. 1960, "A survey of the Zhuang-Tai languages in the Chinese People's Republic", in ICO 25 (Moscow), 17p., APA: Serdiuchenko, G.P. (1960). A survey of the Zhuang-Tai languages in the Chinese People's Republic. ICO 25 (Moscow), 17p., . Chicago: Serdiuchenko, G. P. 1960. "A Survey of the Zhuang-Tai Languages in the Chinese People's Republic." In ICO 25 (Moscow), 17p., . MLA: Serdiuchenko, G. P. "A Survey of the Zhuang-Tai Languages in the Chinese People's Republic." ICO 25 (Moscow), 17p.. (1960): .Citation within the text: (Serdiuchenko 1960)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {Serdiuchenko, G. P.},
title = {A survey of the Zhuang-Tai languages in the Chinese People's Republic},
journal = {ICO 25 (Moscow), 17p.},
year = {1960},
x-huffmanId = {3581},
source = {huffman-l-z},