Harvard: Siriporn Phakdeephasook and Prapaipan Phingchim. 2004, "On "getting" the Thai pretended obscene riddle", in Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, ed. S. Burusphat, Tempe, Arizona, pp. 543-558. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies.APA: Siriporn Phakdeephasook. (2004 ). On "getting" the Thai pretended obscene riddle. In S. Burusphat (Ed.), Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Tempe, Arizona, (pp. 543-558). Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies.Chicago: Siriporn Phakdeephasook. 2004. "On "getting" the Thai Pretended Obscene Riddle." In Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Somsonge Burusphat. Tempe, Arizona, 543-558. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies.MLA: Siriporn Phakdeephasook and Prapaipan Phingchim. "On "getting" the Thai Pretended Obscene Riddle." Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Ed. Somsonge Burusphat. 2004, Tempe, Arizona. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, 543-558.Citation within the text: (Siriporn & Prapaipan 2004)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
author = {{Siriporn Phakdeephasook}, {} and Prapaipan Phingchim}, {}},
title = {On "getting" the Thai pretended obscene riddle},
booktitle = {Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society},
year = {2004},
editor = {Somsonge Burusphat},
address = {Tempe, Arizona},
publisher = {Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies},
permission = {1},
ISBN = {1-881044-34-3},
pages = {543-558},
url = {http://purl.org/sealang/siriporn2004getting.pdf}
source = {sealang},