Harvard: Smalley, W.A. 1976, "The problems of consonants and tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao)", in Phonemes and orthography: language planning in ten minority languages of Thailand, ed. W.A. Smalley, pp. 85-123. Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.APA: Smalley, W.A. (1976). The problems of consonants and tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao). In W.A. Smalley (Ed.), Phonemes and orthography: language planning in ten minority languages of Thailand, 85-123. Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.Chicago: Smalley, William A. 1976. "The Problems of Consonants and Tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao)." In Phonemes and orthography: language planning in ten minority languages of Thailand, edited by William A. Smalley. 85-123. Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.MLA: Smalley, William A. "The Problems of Consonants and Tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao)." Phonemes and orthography: language planning in ten minority languages of Thailand. Ed. William A. Smalley. 1976, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 85-123.Citation within the text: (Smalley 1976)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
title = {The problems of consonants and tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao)},
author = {SMALLEY, William A},
booktitle = {Phonemes and orthography: language planning in ten minority languages of Thailand},
year = {1976},
pages = {85-123},
editor = {Smalley, William A.},
publisher = {Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University},
address = {Canberra},
keywords = {Thailand;Language;Linguistics},
x-extra = {. , ,},
BAS = {570072},
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