Harvard: Thompson, L.C. 1959, "Saigon Phonemics", in Language, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 454--476. Linguistic Society of America.APA: Thompson, L.C. (1959). Saigon Phonemics. Language, 35 (3) , 454--476. Linguistic Society of America.Chicago: Thompson, Laurence C. 1959. "Saigon Phonemics." In Language, 35 , no. 3: 454--476. Linguistic Society of America.MLA: Thompson, Laurence C. "Saigon Phonemics." Language. 35.3 (1959): 454--476.Citation within the text: (Thompson 1959)Zotero: Save reference in ZoteroBibTeX:
source = {jstor},
ISSN = {0097-8507},
abstract = {The phonological analysis of Saigon Vietnamese presents problems of indeterminacy, multiple analyses, and asymmetry. The phonetic structure of the dialect is described here in detail and certain of these problems are discussed. Special attention is called to the general problem of asymmetry in phonological analysis, and a principle involving it is proposed for general theory. A specific procedure is outlined for applying the principle, and the application is illustrated by examples from the description of Saigonese.},
author = {Thompson, Laurence C.},
copyright = {Copyright 1959 Linguistic Society of America},
journal = {Language},
jstor_articletype = {Full Length Article},
jstor_date = {195907/195909},
jstor_formatteddate = {Jul. - Sep., 1959},
month = {jul},
number = {3},
pages = {454--476},
publisher = {Linguistic Society of America},
title = {Saigon Phonemics},
url = {http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0097-8507%28195907%2F09%2935%3A3%3C454%3ASP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-0},
volume = {35},
year = {1959},