Thurgood, G. 1994, "Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The Nature of the Historical Relationship", in Oceanic Linguistics, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 345--368. University of Hawai'i Press.
Thurgood, G. (1994). Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The Nature of the Historical Relationship. Oceanic Linguistics, 33 (2) , 345--368. University of Hawai'i Press.
Thurgood, Graham. 1994. "Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The Nature of the Historical Relationship." In Oceanic Linguistics, 33 , no. 2: 345--368. University of Hawai'i Press.
Thurgood, Graham. "Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The Nature of the Historical Relationship." Oceanic Linguistics. 33.2 (1994): 345--368.
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(Thurgood 1994)
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  source = {jstor},
  ISSN = {0029-8115},
  abstract = {There are three possible ways to account for the Austronesian look-alikes in Tai-Kadai: common inheritance, that is, the two languages families are genetically related; language contact, that is, the forms were borrowed into Tai-Kadai from Austronesian; and, chance, that is, the forms are merely look-alikes and nothing more. The evidence provided by recent reconstructions of various subgroups of Tai-Kadai shows that the Tai-Kadai forms are neither inherited on the one hand nor mere look-alikes on the other. Further, the reconstructions and the subgrouping evidence show that the bulk of the Tai-Kadai borrowing was from an early (pre-)Austronesian source and that the contact occurred in southwestern China and predated the Austronesian movement out onto the islands.},
  author = {Thurgood, Graham},
  copyright = {Copyright 1994 University of Hawai'i Press},
  journal = {Oceanic Linguistics},
  jstor_articletype = {Full Length Article},
  jstor_date = {199412},
  jstor_formatteddate = {Dec., 1994},
  month = {dec},
  number = {2},
  pages = {345--368},
  publisher = {University of Hawai'i Press},
  title = {Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The Nature of the Historical Relationship},
  url = {http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0029-8115%28199412%2933%3A2%3C345%3ATAATNO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-X},
  volume = {33},
  year = {1994},