DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Ch'iang glossed texts "The Gods receive", "The female Owl", "Stones", "Sacred book or chant"", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 001a-011b. National Library of Australia. cite.
DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Ch'iang lexicon", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 013a-020. National Library of Australia. cite.
DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon: Ch'iang - Lolo - Lisu - LahuNa - Tangut - OldBurmese - Tibetan - Chinese", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 021a-025b. National Library of Australia. cite.