Articles about Lakher (4 articles)

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon: OldBurmese - Lakher - Lai(Haka) - SandawayChin - Lushei - Siyin - Mitei", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 040-049b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Draft letter by Luce to Wun Gyi re relation of Lakher to Haka/Mărā", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 031-034. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. 1951, "Data from "Grammar and Dictionary of the Lakher or Mara Language" by the late Reginald Arthur Lorrain, 1951", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 035a-b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon: Mătupi - Tă'oa - Lakher - Măra", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 126a-127b. National Library of Australia. cite.