Articles about Pa-O (7 articles)

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon: Pwo - Sgaw - Păku - Bwè - Gèba - Kăya - Gèk`o - Yinban - Pă-O", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 011a-049b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "N. Pă-O lexicon by tones", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 050a-060b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Tone patterns: Burmese - Karen(Pwo - PaO - Bwe) - Haka", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 014-034. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Pa-O Spelling", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 005a-006b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Pa-O Dialects": Thaton - Taungthu (Taunggyi) lexicon", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 007-009. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon "Karen Group": Pwo - Sgaw - W.Bwè - Geda - Pa-O - Péléchi", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 014-024. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "N.Pa-O lexicon (variously listed by glosses/tones/rhymes, from informant Mary Aye)", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 025-048b. National Library of Australia. cite.