Articles about calendar (5 articles)

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Day, week, month names: OldMon - OldBurmese - Tibetan - Chinese", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 009a-010b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. 1975, "Seminar on OldBurmese calendar, 2 drafts, one dated 23/8/1975", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 036a-39b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Signs of the Zodiac"", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 006b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "OldKhmer - ModernKhmer months and zodiac signs", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 027a-027b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Notes on calendric inscriptions", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 145. National Library of Australia. cite.