34 papers found searching for papers by "barnes" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Barnes, W. D. 1903. "Review of Schmidt, W., `The Sakai and Semang Languages in the Malay Peninsula and Their Relations To the Mon-Khmer Languages'." In Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 39: 38-45. cite. STATS
Barnes, Alfred S. 1939. "The Differences Between Natural and Human Flaking On Prehistoric Flint Implements." In American Anthropologist, 41 , no. 1: 99--112. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, Alfred S. 1947. "The Production of Long Blades in Neolithic Times." In American Anthropologist, 49 , no. 4: 625--630. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, J. A. 1955. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 57 , no. 1: 143--144. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, J. A. 1959. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 61 , no. 4: 697. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, J. A. 1960. "Marriage and Residential Continuity." In American Anthropologist, 62 , no. 5: 850--866. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, J. A. 1962. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 64 , no. 1: 195--196. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, J. A. 1970. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 72 , no. 5: 1099--1100. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Barnes, Dayle. 1970. "Writing in Chinese." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 5 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1973. "The Rainbow in the Representations of Inhabitants of the Flores Area of Indonesia." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 68 , no. 3-4: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1973. "Two Terminologies of Symmetric Prescriptive Alliance From Pantar and Alor in Eastern Indonesia." In Sociologus : Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie = a journal for empirical ethno-sociology and ethnopsychology, 23 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Barnes, Dayle. 1974. "Language Planning in Mainland China: Standardization." edited by Joshua A. Fishman. 457-477. Advances in language planning. The Hague, Mouton. cite. STATS
Barnes, R. H. 1976. "Two Kedang Tales." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 71 , no. 3-4: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1977. "Mata in Austronesia." In Oceania : a journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea and the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, 47 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Barnes, Dayle. 1977. "National Language Planning in China." In Language planning process, edited by Joan Rubin. 255-273. Mouton. cite. STATS
Barnes, Dayle. 1977. "To Er or Not To Er." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 5 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1980. "Karo Batak Terminology." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 136 , no. 2-3: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1982. "Number and Number Use in Kedang, Indonesia." In Man, 17 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Barnes, Dayle. 1983. "The Implementation of Language Planning in China." In Progress in language planning; international perspectives, edited by J. Cobarrubias and J.A. Fishman. 291-308. Mouton. cite. STATS
Barnes, R. H. 1986. "Educated Fishermen, Social Consequences of Development in An Indonesian Whaling Community." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 75: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. and Ruth Barnes. 1989. "Barter and Money in An Indonesian Village Economy." In Man, 24 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1995. "Lamakera, Solor: Ethnohistory of a Muslim Whaling Village of Eastern Indonesia." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 90 , no. 4-6: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 1996. "Lamakera, Solor: Ethnographic Notes On a Muslim Whaling Village of Eastern Indonesia." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 91 , no. 1-3: . cite. STATS
Barnes, Ruth. 1997. "Old Javanese Gold (4th-15th Century): An Archaeometrical Approach." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 28 , no. 1: 195. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Barnes, Jonathan. 1998. "<i>Tsuu Khaa Tii Hla</i>?: Deixis, Demonstratives and Discourse Particles in Lai Chin." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 21 , no. 1: 53-86. cite. STATS (3)
Barnes, Nancy J. 2000. "The Nuns At the Stupa: Inscriptional Evidence For the Lives and Activities of Early Buddhist Nuns." In Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's women: tradition, revision, renewal. Boston, Mass, edited by Ellison Banks Findly. 17-36. Wisdom Publications. cite. STATS
Barnes, Ruth. 2001. "Living Through Histories: Culture History and Social Life in South Sulawesi. By Kathryn Robinson and Mukhlis Paeni. Pp. 296, Canberra, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1998." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 11 , no. 01: 51-132. cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 2002. "Ba Naruq: An Eastern Indonesian Narrative." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 97 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Barnes, Michael. 2002. "Hindu God, Christian God. By Francis X. Clooney. Pp. X, 209. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 12 , no. 03: 357-416. cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. 2005. "A Ritual Resurgence in Eastern Indonesia [harvest Ritual in Lembata]." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 100 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Barnes, R.H. "Inner States and Constituents of the Person in Kedang, Lembata." . cite. STATS
Barnes, Warren D. xxxx. "An Old Tombstone in Pahang." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Medan, Karolus Kopong and R.H. Barnes. 2002. "Murder Ritual On Adonara, Indonesia: a Cultural Analysis." In Anthropos : internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde = international review of ethnology and linguistics = revue internationale d’ethnologie et de linguistique, 97 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sjostand, Sten and Claire Barnes. 2001. "The 'Turiang': a Fourteenth-century Chinese Shipwreck Upsetting Southeast Asian Ceramic History." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 74 , no. 280: . cite. STATS