30 papers found searching for papers by "duanmu" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 3
Duanmu, San. 1990. "Tonal Patterns in Chinese Regulated Verse: Phonological Rules or Phonological Constraints?" In Student conference in linguistics. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Thomas Green and Sigal Uziel. 177-189. Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Duanmu, San. 1992. "An Autosegmental Analysis of Tone in Four Tibetan Languages." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 1: 65-91. cite. STATS (3)
DJVU PDF Duanmu, San. 1992. "A Featural Analysis of Some Onset-vowel Interactions." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 141-158. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite. STATS (2)
Duanmu, San. 1992. "Re-examining Contour Tone Units in Chinese Languages." In Proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 14-17, 1992: special session on the typology of tone languages. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Laura A., et al. Buszard-welcher. 80-91. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite. STATS
Duanmu, San. 1992. "Stress and Syntax-phonology Mismatches: Tonal Domains in Danyang and Shanghai." In The proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Stanford, Calif, edited by Dawn Bates. 127-137. Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite. STATS (1)
Duanmu, San. 1993. "Rime Length, Stress, and Association Domains." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 2 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Duanmu, San. 1994. "The Phonology of the Glottal Stop in Garo." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 17 , no. 2: 69-82. cite. STATS (1)
Duanmu, San. 1995. "Metrical and Tonal Phonology of Compounds in Two Chinese Dialects." In Language, 71 , no. 2: 225--259. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Duanmu, San. 1997. "Phonologically Motivated Word Order Movement: Evidence From Chinese Compounds." In Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 27 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Duanmu, San. 1999. "Metrical Structure and Tone: Evidence From Mandarin and Shanghai." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 8 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Duanmu, San. 1999. "The Syllable in Chinese." In The syllable: views and facts, edited by Harry van der Hulst and Nancy A. Ritter. 477-499. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Duanmu, San. 2004. "Left-headed Feet and Phrasal Stress in Chinese." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 33 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Kim, Mi-Ryoung and San Duanmu. 2000. "The Interaction Between Consonant Types and Tone of the Chonnam Dialect of Korean." In Korean Linguistics: Journal of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 10: . cite. STATS
Kim, Mi-Ryoung and San Duanmu. 2004. "'Tense' and 'lax' Stops in Korean." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 13 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. A Formal Study of Syllable, Tone, Stress and Domain in Chinese Languages. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1990. cite. STATS (4)
San, Duanmu. 1991. "Stress and Syntax-phonology Mismatches : Tonal Domains in Danyang and Shanghai." In Proceedings of the West Coast conference on formal linguistics, 10: 127-137. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1992. "End-based Theory, Cyclic Stress, and Tonal Domains." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 28 , no. 2: 65-76. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1992. "Re-examining Contour Tone Units in Chinese Languages." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 18S: 80-91. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1993. "Rime Length, Stress, and Association Domains." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 2 , no. 1: 1-44. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1994. "Against Contour Tone Units." In Linguistic inquiry, 25 , no. 4: 555-608. cite. STATS (1)
San, Duanmu. 1994. "The Phonology of the Glottal Stop in Garo." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 17 , no. 2: 69-82. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1994. "Syllabic Weight and Syllabic Duration : a Correlation Between Phonology and Phonetics." In Phonology, 11 , no. 1: 1-24. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1995. "Metrical and Tonal Phonology of Compounds in Two Chinese Dialects." In Language : journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 71 , no. 2: 225-259. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1996. "Pre-juncture Lengthening and Foot Binarity." In Studies in the linguistic sciences, 26 , no. 1-2: 95-115. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1997. "Phonologically Motivated Word Order Movement : Evidence From Chinese Compounds." In Studies in the linguistic sciences, 27 , no. 1: 49-77. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1997. "Recursive Constraint Evaluation in Optimality Theory : Evidence From Cyclic Compounds in Shanghai." In Natural language and linguistic theory, 15 , no. 3: 465-507. cite. STATS (1)
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Alignment and the Cycle Are Different." In The derivational residue in phonological optimality theory, edited by Ben Hermans Marc van Oostendorp. 129-152. Benjamins. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Metrical Structure and Tone : Evidence From Mandarin and Shanghai." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 8 , no. 1: 1-38. cite. STATS
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Stress and the Development of Disyllabic Words in Chinese." In Diachronica : international journal for historical linguistics = revue internationale pour la linguistique historique = internationale Zeitschrift für historische Linguistik, 16 , no. 1: 1-35. cite. STATS (1)
San, Duanmu. 2000. "The Phonology of Standard Chinese." xv, 300 p. Oxford UP.. cite. STATS