19 papers found searching for papers by "kasevich" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Kasevich, V. B. 1963. "O Fonologischeskoi Roli Javlenli Zvonkosti I Gluchosti V Sovremennom Birmanskom Iazyke." In Voprosy Iazykoznaniia, 5: 82-8. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1967. "O Sisteme Initsialei Sovremennogo Birmanskogo Iazyka." In Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 2: 92-7. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1968. "Osnovnye Voprosy Fonologischeskoi Struktury Birmanskogo Iazyke." 287 pp.. cite. STATS (1)
Kasevich, V. B. 1968. "Review of Zlatoverchova, {\rus <Fonetika Birmanskogo Literaturnogo Iazyka>." In Narody Azii i Afriki, 1968 , no. 2: 217-19. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1970. "Funktsional'nye Nuli I Ikh Mesto V Fonologicheskoi Sisteme Birmansdogo Iazyka." In Narody Azii i Afriki, 1970 , no. 6: 129-34. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. and M. A. Speshnev. 1970. "Zero in Phonological Description: Chinese and Burmese." In Word : journal of the International Linguistic Association, 26 , no. 3: 362-72. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1971. "Nekotorye Voprosy Slogodeleniia V Birmanskom Iazyke." In {\rus <Voprosy filologii stran Azii i Afriki I>, edited by V. I. Beljaev and A. A. (Anna Arkad'evna) Dolinina. 52-7. Leningrad University. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1972. "Review of Okell, <A Reference Grammar of Colloquial Burmese>." In Narody Azii i Afriki, 1972 , no. 1: 196-200. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1973. "Interferenciia V Sisteme Sintagmaticheskikh I Paradigmaticheskikh Kategorii Birmanskogo Glagola." In {\rus <Voprosy filologii stran Azii i Afriki II>, edited by S. N. (Sergei Nikolaevich) Ivanov and et Al.. 48-55. Leningrad University. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. and D. I. (Dmitri Ivanovich) Elovkov. 1973. "Typological Aspects in the Phonological and Structural Analysis of Khmer." In Typological and genealogical relations in the languages of Asia and Africa, . Oriental Institute:31-4. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1974. "Passivnye Konstruktsii V Birmanskom Iazyke." In {\rus <Tipologii passivuykh konstruktsii: diatezy i zalogi>, edited by A. A. (Aleksandr Aklekseevich) Kholodovich. 91-9. Nauka. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1976. "Burmese Constructions with Auxiliary Verbs As Their Focus." In Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova, 383: 43-54. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1976. "Kratkii Ocherk Grammatiki Birmanskogo Iazyka." In {\rus <Birmansko--Russkii slovar'>, edited by Minina Novikov and U Kyaw zaw. . Izdatel'stvo 'Russkii Iazyk'. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1981. "Aktsessivnye, Retsessivnye I Refleksivnye Konstruktsii V Birmanskom Iazyke." In {\rus <Zalogovye konstruktsii v razhnostrukturnykh iazykakh>, edited by V. S. (Viktor Samuilovich) Khrakovoskii. 99-103. Nauka. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V. B. 1981. "Zum Problem Des Monosyllabismus Der Burmesischen Sprache." In {\germ <Südasiatische sprachwissenschaftliche Studien>, edited by M. Andronov et al.. 7-19. Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. cite. STATS
Kasevich, V.B., V.V. Rybin and E.M. Shabel'nikova. 1990. "Pertseptivnoe Kvantovanie Kitaiskogo Teksta (v Sopostavlenii S Iaponskim I Russkim)." In Aktual'nye voprosy kitaiskogo iazykoznaniia: materialy V Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii (Moskva, iiun' 1990 g.), edited by Vadim Mikhailovich Solntsev. 158-163. Izd-vo Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoi lit-ry. cite. STATS
Kasevich, Vadim B. 1993. "Buddhist Tradition and Some Aspects of the Burmese Political Vocabulary." In Tradition and modernity in Myanmar: proceedings of an international conference held in Berlin from May 7th to May 9th, 1993, edited by Uta Gartner and Jens Lorenz. 373-378. Lit. cite. STATS
Bekbaeva, K.A., V.B. Kasevich and S.E. Iakhontov. xxxx. "Kvantitativnaia Tipologiia Iazykov Azii I Afriki." . cite. STATS
Kasevich, V.B. xxxx. "Fonologicheskie Problemy Obshchego I Vostochnogo Iazykoznaniia." . cite. STATS