20 papers found searching for papers by "phal" .  Sorting results by author.
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Boas, Franz. 1899. "The Cephalic Index." In American Anthropologist, 1 , no. 3: 448--461. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Cardinaud, Marie-Helene. 1979. "Phalanget [Arakanese Story in French]." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 10 , no. 2-4: . cite. STATS
Dhadphale, M.G. 1974. "Exegetical and Etymological Notes On a Few Pali Words." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 55 , no. 1-4: . cite. STATS
Dhadphale, N.M. 1982. "Apropos Yasna Ha 60.11." In Golden jubilee volume, edited by Trivikram Narayan Dharmadhikari. 103-105. Vaidika Samodhana Mandala. cite. STATS
Dhadphale, M.G. 1982. "Nirukta: Its Precise Purpose." In Golden jubilee volume, edited by Trivikram Narayan Dharmadhikari. 94-102. Vaidika Samodhana Mandala. cite. STATS
Ephal, I. 1974. ""Arabs" in Babylonia in the 8th Century B. C." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94 , no. 1: 108--115. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Dhadphale, M.G. xxxx. "Elamuga, Anelamuga, Nela and the Related." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 583-604. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Phal Sok. 2004. "L'amuïssement Du R Final En Khmer: Allongement Et Diphtongaison." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 34: 113-136. cite. STATS
Phalgunadi, I. Gusti Putu. 1994. "A Fundamental Dictionary of Balinese Language and Culture." In South East Asian Review, 19 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Prapphal, Kanchana and Jr., John W. Oller. 1982. "Some Factors in Learning English in Thailand." In RELC Journal, 13 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Prapphal, Kanchana, Kenneth Pas and Surang Tanapongpipat. 1984. "Modified Cloze Tests As Predictive Measures of Language Acquirers and Academic Achievers." In Pasaa, , no. 2. cite. STATS
Prapphal, Kanchana. 1985. "The Use of Pragmatic Test To Identify Two Different Stages of Language Acquisition For Thai Students." In Pasaa, 15 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Prapphal, Kanchana. 1992. "Communicative CALL Activities in the Thai Context." In Pasaa, . cite. STATS
Prapphal, Kanchana. 2004. "Authentic Test Tasks Using the Internet in Language Teaching and Testing." In Teaching and assessing language proficiency, edited by Gloria Poedjosoedarmo. 140-157. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. cite. STATS
Raphals, Lisa. 2000. "Christoph Harbsmeier, Logic and Language, Volume 7, Part 1, of Science and Civilisation in China [review Article]." In China Review International, 7 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Raphals, Lisa. 2005. "Languages of Fate: Semantic Fields in Chinese and Greek." In The magnitude of ming: command, allotment, and fate in Chinese culture, edited by Christopher Lupke. 70-106. University of Hawaii Press. cite. STATS
Sok, Phal. 2004. "L'amuissement Du R Final En Khmer: Allongement Et Diphtongaison." In Mon-Khmer Studies, 34: . cite. STATS
Van ess, Hans. 1999. "The Apocryphal Texts of the Han Dynasty and the Old Text/New Text Controversy." In T'oung Pao, 85: 29-64(36). cite. STATS
Westphal, Ernst. 1964. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 66 , no. 6: 1446--1449. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Westphal-Hellbusch, Sigrid. 1959. "The Present Situation of Ethnological Research in Germany." In American Anthropologist, 61 , no. 5: 848--865. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS