25 papers found searching for papers by "rangan" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Jana, Rangan Kanti. 1996. "Ancient Tamralipta--myth and Reality." In Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, 71: . cite. STATS
Chellamuthu, K.C., K. Rangan and K. Murugesan. xxxx. "Tamil University Machine Translation System (TUMTS)." . cite. STATS
Dubois, Carl D. xxxx. "Sarangani Manobo: An Introductory Guide." . cite. STATS (1)
Lawrence, S. Jean and D. Ranganathan. xxxx. "Hand Book Tamil: An Auto Instructional Course." . cite. STATS
Mahapatra, Ranganayaki. "." . cite. STATS
Ranganadhacharyulu, K.K. xxxx. "A Historical Grammar of Inscriptional Telugu, 1401 A.D. To 1900 A.D." . cite. STATS
Ranganathan, P.S. xxxx. "The Weird World of Anagrams." In Illustrated Weekly of India, 2: . cite. STATS
Ranganatha, M.R. xxxx. "Morphophonemic Analysis of the Kannada Language: Relative Frequency of Phonemes and Morphemes in Kannada." . cite. STATS
Rangan, K. xxxx. "Balti Phonetic Reader." . cite. STATS
Rangan, K. xxxx. "Proceedings of the Thirteenth All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists." . cite. STATS
Mahapatra, B. P. and Ranganayaki Mahapatra. 1967. "Computer Printout of Sora Vocabulary." . cite. STATS
Mahapatra, B. P. and Ranganayaki Mahapatra. 1968. "Revision of Ramamurthi's Sora-English Dictionary." . cite. STATS
Mahapatra, B. P. and Ranganayaki. Mahapatra. 1978. "Santal Script and Texts." In Presented at SICAAL, . cite. STATS (1)
Mahapatra, Ranganayaki. and B. P. Mahapatra. 1983. "The Story of Lunar Eclipse (Sora Text)." In IJDL vol. XII, XII , no. 1: 109-111. cite. STATS
Pandurangan, A. 2003. "A Note On Ceyticin Verbals." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite. STATS
Rangan, K. 1975. "Balti Phonetic Reader (Phonetic Reader Series No. 17),." . CIIL,. cite. STATS (1)
Rangan, K. and V. Gnanasundaram. 1977. "Negation in Mysore Tamil-- a Sociolinguistic Study." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 6 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Rangan, K. 1979. "Some Problems in Tamil Passive Constructions." In Indian Linguistics, 40 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Rangan, K. 1988. "Communicating with Machine: Moment of Joy and Frustration." In Translation as synthesis: a search for a new gestalt, edited by K. Karunakaran and M. Jayakumar. 91-104. Bahri Publications. cite. STATS
Rangan, K. 2001. "Diglossia and Problems of Teaching Tamil." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite. STATS
Ranganadhacharyulu, K. K. 1991. "A Historical Grammar of Inscriptional Telugu (1401 A.D. To 1900 A.D.)." 139-148 G. Centre for Advanced Study in Ling., Osmania Univ., 1987, xii, 296, iv p. | Corr. to BL1991, 18342 | IL , 52/1-4. cite. STATS
Ranganath, S. 2003. "Contribution of Karnataka To Sanskrit Drama Since Independence." In Sanskrit writings in independent India: compilation of seminar papers, edited by V.N. Jha. 24-38. Sahitya Akademi. cite. STATS
Ranganathan, Vasu. 1997. "A Lexical Phonology Approach To Processing Tamil Words By Computer." In International journal of Dravidian linguistics, 26 , no. 1: 57-70. cite. STATS
Rhea, Mary E. 1995. "Sarangani Blaan." In Comparative Austronesian dictionary : an introduction to Austronesian studies, edited by Darrell T. Tryon et al.. 1: 369-373. Mouton de Gruyter. cite. STATS
Wattimury, E., Ny. A. Haulussy and J. Pentry. 1995. "Tarangan Syntax." xi, 96 p. Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. cite. STATS