11 papers found searching for papers by "schmitt" .  Sorting results by author.
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Klingenschmitt, Gert. 1975. "Altindisch Sasvat-." In Munchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, . cite. STATS
Schmitt-Brandt, Robert. xxxx. "Donum Indogermanicum: Festgabe Fur Anton Scherer Z. 70." . cite. STATS
Salomon, Richard, Pierfrancesco Callieri and Simon Schmitt. 1999. "An Inscribed Seal of Indravarma, King of Avaca." In Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 13: . cite. STATS
Schmitt, P. and F.G. Faraut. 1909. "Etude Sur La Verification Des Dates Inscriptions Siamoises." In Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Indochinoises de Saigon, , no. 2. cite. STATS
Schmitt, Karl. 1947. "Notes On Some Recent Archeological Sites in the Netherlands East Indies." In American Anthropologist, 49 , no. 2: 331--334. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Schmitt, Gerhard. 1971. "Wo Siedelten Nachweislich Turkische Stamme Im Ersten Jahrhundert Vor Bzw. Nach Der Zeitenwende?" In Acta Orientalia, 24 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Schmitt, Rudiger. 1978. "[Untitled]." In Language, 54 , no. 2: 420--423. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Schmitt, Rudiger. 1980. "Zwei Iranische Namen Auf Brahmi-Inschriften." In Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sudasiens und Archiv fur indische Philosophie, . cite. STATS
Schmitt, R. 1990. "Iranische Sprachen Im Vorislamischen Afghanistan." In From Alexander the Great to Kul Tegin: studies in Bactrian, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Chinese, Turk, Greek, and Latin sources for the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia, edited by Janos Harmatta. 111-122. Akademiai Kiado. cite. STATS
Schmitt, Bernd H., Yigang Pan and Nader T. Tavassoli. 1994. "Language and Consumer Memory: the Impact of Linguistic Differences Between Chinese and English." In Journal of Consumer Research, 21 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Schmitt, Bernd H. and Shi Zhang. 1998. "Language Structure and Categorization: a Study of Classifiers in Consumer Cognition, Judgment, and Choice." In Journal of Consumer Research, 25 , no. 2: . cite. STATS