27 papers found searching for papers by "sibayan" .  Sorting results by author.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Bautista, Ma. Lourdes S., Teodoro A. Llamazon and Bonifacio P. Sibayan. xxxx. "*Parangal Cang Brother Andrew: Festschrift For Andrew Gonzalez On His Sixtieth Birthday." . cite. STATS
Bernabe, Emma, Virginia Lapid and Bonifacio Sibayan. xxxx. "Ilokano Lessons." . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. and Andrew B. Gonzalez. xxxx. "*Language Planning and the Building of a National Language; Essays in Honor of Santiago A. Fonacier On His Ninety-second Birthday." . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio and Leonard Newell. xxxx. "*Papers From the First Asia International Lexicography Conference, Manila, Philippines--1992." . cite. STATS
P., Bonifacio and Lorna Z. Sibayan Segovia. 1982. "Language and Socio-economic Development: Perceptions of a Metro Manila Sample: Implications For Third World Countries." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 13 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1971. "The Philippines." In Current Trends in Linguistics, 8 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1973. "Language Teaching in the Philippines 1946-1973." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez: essays in honor of Cecilio Lopez on his seventy-fifth birthday, edited by Andrew B. Gonzalez. 283-291. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. and Fe T. Otanes. 1973. "The Sociolinguistic Situation in the Philippines." 64-66. In: Regional English Language Centre. Report of the regional workshop on the feasibility of a sociolinguistic survey of Southeast Asia. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1974. "Language Standardisation As a Component of Language Planning: a Suggested Typology." In Papers from the conference on the standardisation of Asian Languages, Manila, Philippines, Decemoer 16-21, 1974, edited by Alejandrino Q., A.O. Santiago Perez and Nguyen Dang Liem. 251-266. Australian National University. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1975. "Survey of Language Use and Attitudes Towards Language in the Philippines." edited by Sirarpi, et al. Ohannessian. 115-143. Language surveys in developing nations: papers and reports on sociolinguistic surveys. Arlington, Va., Center for Applied Linguistics. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1977. "Language Planning and the Development of Pilipino." In Institute of National Language, 1 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1978. "The Influence of Nationalism On Philippine Language Planning." In In: Udin, S. Spectrum: essays presented to Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana on his seventieth birthday, 486-498. Dian Rakyat. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1981. "The Role of Linguistics and Allied Disciplines in the Development of Pilipino." In Aspects of language planning and development in the Philippines, edited by Andrew, Gonzalez and Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista. 111-128. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1985. "Reflections, Assertions and Speculations On the Growth of Pilipino." In Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 13 , no. 1: . cite. STATS (1)
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1985. "Teaching For Communicative Competence in a Second Language." In Communicative language teaching, edited by Bikram K. Das. 106-119. Singapore Univ. Press for SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1985. "Some Thoughts On Sociolinguistic Research and Language Planning in the Philippines." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 16 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1988. "Terms of Points of Reference in Intellectualization with Particular Reference To Filipino." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 19 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1989. "The Prator Report, the UCLA-PCLS Program, the PNC-LSC and the Prospects of Applied Linguistics in the Philippines." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 20 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1990. "Language and Policy: Caution On Filipino-only As Language of Instruction." In PSSC Social Science Information, 18 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1991. "The Intellectualization of Filipino." In International Journal of the Sociology of Language, , no. 88. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1994. "Philippine Language Problems." In The language issue in education, edited by Jasmin Espiritu Acuna. 47-86. Congress of the Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. and Andrew Gonzalez. 1995. "The Komisyon Ng Wikang Filipino and the Intellectualization of Filipino." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 26 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1996. "Money Is Not Enough [the Language Study Center of the Philippine Normal College]." In Alan sa wika: essays in honor of Fe T. Otanes on her 67th birthday. S.l, edited by Emma S. Castillo. 261-264. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1998. "Reflections On Some Dilemmas Posed By Literacy in English, Filipino, and the Philippine Vernaculars." In Pagtanaw: essays on language in honor of Teodoro A. Llamzon, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista. 149-157. De La Salle University Press. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonfacio P. 1999. "Difficult Tasks in Teaching Filipino Children in Two or Three Languages: Some Suggested Solutions." In The Filipino bilingual: a multidisciplinary perspective: a festschrift in honor of Emy M. Pascasio, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista and Grace O. Tan. 4-10. Linguistic Society of Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 1999. "A Suggested One-hundred-year Timetable For the Intellectualization of Filipino." In Educating via language. S.l, edited by Emma S. Castillo. 8-17. Language Study & Research Center, Inc.; Language Education Council of the Philippines. cite. STATS
Sibayan, Bonifacio P. 2000. "Resulting Patterns of Sociolinguistic, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Practice and Behavior After More Than Four Hunderd Years of Language Policy and Practice in the Philippines." In Parangal cang brother Andrew : Festschrift for Andrew Gonzalez on his sixtieth birthday, edited by Ed.: M. Lourdes S. Bautista Teodoro A. Llamzon Bonifacio P. Sibayan. 247-261. Ling. Soc. of the Philippines. cite. STATS