Results68 papers found searching for papers by "alam" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 0, G-Index: 0 Chanco, Jr., Amaury, Esperanza Francisco and Teresita Talamisan. 1999. "A Look At the Code-switching Patterns of Some Television Hosts in Metro Manila." In The Filipino bilingual: a multidisciplinary perspective: a festschrift in honor of Emy M. Pascasio, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista and Grace O. Tan. 32-35. Linguistic Society of Philippines. cite.
Alam, Ishrat. 2005. "Names For India in Ancient Indian Texts and Inscriptions." In India-studies in the history of an idea, edited by Irfan Habib. 36-44. Munshiram Manoharlal. cite.
Alam, Fakrul, Niaz Zaman and Tahmina Ahmed. xxxx. "*Revisioning English in Bangladesh." . cite.
Rao, H.S. Gopala. 1992. "Alampur: An Epigraphical Study." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 83 , no. 2: . cite.
Venkatachalam, M.S. 1991. "Paventar Bharathidasan On Motherland and Mother Tongue." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite.
Andronov, Mikhail Sergeevich. xxxx. "Malaialam-russkii Slovar'. Okolo 40 000 Slov. Sost. Kand. Filol. Nauk M.S. Andronov I Kand. Filol. Nauk V.A. Makarenko. Pod Red. Naraianikutti Unnikrishan. S Pril. Kratkogo Ocherka Grammatiki Iaz. Malaialam, Sost. Kand. Filol." . cite.
Balambal, V.N. 2004. "Literature in Translation--progress and Problems: Personal Experience in Translating Modern Japanese Literature Into Tamil." In Imaging India, imaging Japan: a chronicle of reflections on mutual literature, edited by Unita Sachidanand and Teiji Sakata. 244-248. Published for Department of East Asian Studies University of Delhi & Japan Foundation in association with Manak Publications. cite.
Alam, Yukiko Sasaki. 1997. "Numeral Classifiers As Adverbs of Quantification [in Japanese]." In Japanese / Korean linguistics: volume 6. Stanford, Calif, edited by Ho-min Sohn and John Haig. 381-397. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Alam, Qaiser Zohra. 1987. "Kurmali and English: a Synchronic View." In Eastern Anthropologist, 40 , no. 1: . cite.
Hashmi, Alamgir. 1979. "Words, Words, Words: the Matter of the Weary Prince." In Explorations, 6 , no. 1: . cite.
Arunachalam, M. 1977. "Echo-words in Tamil." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite.
Balambal, V. 1979. "Some Common Features in Six Pandya Copper Plates." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite.
Alam, Md. Mansoor. 1994. "Dr. M. Ishaque: a Symbol of Indo-Iranian Cultural Friendship." In Indo-Iranica, 47 , no. 1-4: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Alam, Yukiko Sasaki. 1998. "Deixis and Implicit Argument of Japanese Verbs of Giving." In Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Udom Warotamasikkhadit and Thanyarat Panakul. 213-228. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
Andrewskutty, A.P. xxxx. "Malayalam; An Intensive Course. Method: V.I. Subramoniam." . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. xxxx. "Kharosthi Script." . cite.
Shinwari, Sher Alam. 2001. "Pahto: Reflecting Hearts and Minds." In The South Asian century: 1900-1999, edited by Zubeida Mustafa. 159-162. Oxford University Press. cite.
Alam, Muzaffar. 2003. "The Culture and Politics of Persian in Precolonial Hindustan." In Literary cultures in history: reconstructions from South Asia, edited by Sheldon Pollock. 131-198. University of California Press. cite.
Mcalpin, David Wayne. xxxx. "The Malayalam Verb Phrase in a Generative Matrical Framework." In Thesis, 33 , no. 8: . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. 1987. "Two Copper Plate Inscriptions From Anegondi." In Indological studies: essays in memory of Shri S.P. Singhal, edited by Devendra Handa. 239-242. Caxton Publications. cite.
Trikha, Raj Kumari. xxxx. "Alamkaras in the Works of Banabhatta." . cite.
Arunachalam, M. 1978. "A Universal Substitute Word." In Journal of Tamil Studies, . cite.
Sanmugadas, Arunasalam. 1987. "Japanese-Tamil Relationship: Supporting Evidences For Susumu Ohno's Hypothesis." In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists: Berlin / GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987, edited by Werner Bahner et al.. 1445-1447. Akademie-Verlag. cite.
Vedachalam, V. 2006. "Pandiya Inscriptions." In Negotiations with the past: classical Tamil in contemporary Tamil, edited by Kannan M. and Carlos Mena. 71-94. Institut francais de Pondichery; Berkeley: Tamil Chair, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley. cite.
Alam, Qaisar Zoha. xxxx. "Issues, Linguistic and Pedagogic: Hints For the Teachers of English." . cite.
Mangalam, B. 2004. "Caste and Gender Interface in Tamil Dalit Discourse." In Signifying the self: women and literature, edited by Malashri Lal et al.. 109-119. Macmillan. cite.
Banks, E. 1935. "Some Kalamantan Vocabularies." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 4 , no. 14: . cite.
Kumari, B Syamala. xxxx. "Malayalam Phonetic Reader." . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. xxxx. "Palaeography of Malayalam Script." . cite.
Morshed, Abul Kalam Manzur. xxxx. "A Study of Standard Bengali and the Noakhali Dialect." . cite.
Ramesan, N. 1975. "The Kumaradimangalam Plates of the Pallava King Nandivarma III." In Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, 35: . cite.
Rahman, Abdur. 1998. "The Zalamkot Bilingual Inscription." In East and West, 48 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Miran, M. Alam. 1977. "Sociolinguistic Factors in Afghanistan." In Afghanistan Journal, 4 , no. 3: . cite.
Venkitachalam, S. 1981. "Personal Pronouns and Pronominal Forms in Malayalam." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 10 , no. 1: . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. 1985. "Palaeography of Medial Vowels in Grantha, Tulu & Malayalam Scripts." In In: CALTIS [Calligraphy, lettering & typography of Indic scripts] 85, 25-27. Organising Committee, CALTIS. cite.
Warren, Jim. 1977. "Balambangan and the Rise of the Sulu Sultanate, 1772-1775." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 50 , no. 1: . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. 1990. "Kandhar Inscription of Bhuvanaikamalla Somesvara II." In Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, 50: . cite.
Alam, Md. Mansoor. 1994. "Some Persian Scholars and Teachers of Calcutta After Independence." In Indo-Iranica, 47 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Alam, H.J. 1977. "The Problems of Teaching and Learning English in Pakistan Society." In Sind Quarterly, 5 , no. 4: . cite.
Sitrampalam, S.K. 1990. "Proto-historic Sri Lanka: An Interdisciplinary Perspective." In Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies, 8 , no. 1: . cite.
Mangalam, S.J. 1982. "A Jaina Inscription On a Pedestal in the Deccan College Museum." In Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, 41: . cite.
Galambos, Imre. 2005. "A Corpus-based Approach To Palaeography the Case of the Houma Covenant Texts." In Asiatische Studien, 59 , no. 1: . cite.
Malamoud, Charles. 1988. "Dette Et Devoir Dans Le Vocabulaire Sanscrit Et Dans La Pensee Brahmanique." In In: Malamoud, Charles. Lien de vie, noeud mortel: les representations de la dette en Chine, au Japon et dans le monde indien, 187-205. Editions de l'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales. cite.
Alam, Yukiko Sasaki. 1987. "Event Types, the Properties and Lexical Entry For the Japanese Aspectual Auxiliary Verb Ir-." In Proceedings of the Third Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, edited by Fred Marshall et al.. 1-12. Ohio State University. cite.
Teeuw, A. 1973. "Taalambtenaren, Taalafgevaardigden En Indonesische Taalwetenschap." In Forum der Letteren, 14 , no. 3: . cite.
Malamoud, Charles. 1997. "Noirceur De L'ecriture. Remarques Sur Un Theme Litteraire De L'Inde Ancienne." In Paroles a dire, paroles a ecrire: Inde, Chine, Japon, edited by Viviane Alleton. 85-114. Editions de l'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales. cite.
Pillai, Suranad Kunjan. 1979. "On the Malayalam Lexicon." In Malayalam Literary Survey, 3 , no. 1: . cite.
Khan, Iqtidar Alam. 1999. "Nature of Gunpowder Artillery in India During the Sixteenth Century: a Reappraisal of the Impact of European Gunnery." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 9 , no. 1: . cite.
Sanmugadas, Arunasalam and Manonmani Sanmugadas. 1986. "Cultural Similarities Between Japanese and Tamils: a View Through Their Words." In Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies, 4 , no. 1: . cite.
Alam, Q.Z. 1975. "A Lexical Feature of Newspaper English in India." In Indian Linguistics, 36 , no. 1: . cite.
Alam, Qaisar Zoha. 1988. "An Aspect of the Impact of English On Urdu." In Indian Linguistics, 49: . cite.
Andronov, M.S. 1990. "Manipravalam: a Case of Grammar Hybridization." In Indian Journal of Linguistics, 17 , no. 1: . cite.
Galambos, Imre. 2004. "The Myth of the Qin Unification of Writing in Han Sources." In Acta Orientalia, 57 , no. 2: . cite.
Alam, Q.Z. 1980. "Commands and Requests in English and Urdu." In Indian Linguistics, 41 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Saralamba, Chatchawadee. 2000. "Language Usage in Provincial Slogans." In Phaasaa lae phaasaasart = Journal of language and linguistics, 18 , no. 2: 5-16. cite.
Arifin, Siti Salamah, Tarmizi Abubakar, Hj. Kusmiarti and Hairuddin. 1996. "Sindang Phonology and Morphology (South Sumatra )." xiv, 114 p. Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Pusat, PPPB, Depdikbud. cite.
Chung, Siaw-Fong. 2003. "Dalam in Malay : An Image Schema Perspective." In The LACUS Forum, 30: 147-158. cite.
Manuputty, David Gustaaf and Haruddin. 1998. "Wolio Function Words." ix, 88 p. Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. cite.
Asher, Ronald E. and T. C. Kumari. 1997. "Malayalam." xxvi, 491 p. Routledge. cite.
Mohanan, Karuvannur Puthanveettil. 1996. "Malayalam Writing." In The world’s writing systems, edited by Peter T. Daniels William Bright. 420-425. Oxford UP.. cite.
Bruce, Les. 1984. "The Alamblak Language of Papua New Guinea (East Sepik)." . Australian National University. cite.
Penth, Hans. 1996. "Jinakalamali Index (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 84 , no. 1: . cite.
Mahr, August C. 1957. "Walam Olum, I, 17: A Proof of Rafinesque's Integrity." In American Anthropologist, 59 , no. 4: 705--708. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Salamone, Frank A. 1972. "Finney's Culture Change, Mental Health and Poverty: Comments On a Review." In American Anthropologist, 74 , no. 1/2: 200--201. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Malamat, A. 1962. "Mari and the Bible: Some Patterns of Tribal Organization and Institutions." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 82 , no. 2: 143--150. American Oriental Society. cite.
Salam Hala and Kennedy E. S. 1967. "Solar and Lunar Tables in Early Islamic Astronomy." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 87 , no. 4: 492--497. American Oriental Society. cite.
Malamat, Abraham. 1968. "King Lists of the Old Babylonian Period and Biblical Genealogies." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88 , no. 1: 163--173. American Oriental Society. cite.
Frank, Richard M. 1968. "The Kalam, An Art of Contradiction-Making or Theological Science? Some Remarks On the Question." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88 , no. 2: 295--309. American Oriental Society. cite.