19 papers found searching for papers by "allison" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Allison, E. Joe. 1979. "Proto-Danaw: a Comparative Study of Maranaw, Magindanaw, and Iranun." In Papers in Philippine Linguistics, . cite. STATS (1)
Allison, Gordon H. xxxx. "Easy Thai: An Introduction To the Thai Language with Exercises and Answer Key: a Gradual and Cumulative System with Little Time Wasted." . cite. STATS (1)
Allison, Gordon H. 1959. "Modern Thai, with Exercises, Vocabularies, Answer Key, and Appendix." 252 pp.. Nibondh. cite. STATS (1)
Allison, Gordon H. 1961. "Simplified Thai, Including Useful Thai Word-lists with Accurate Pronunciation of the Words Indicated in Simple English Throughout the Book." 266 pp.. Nibondh. cite. STATS (1)
Allison, Gordon H. 1965. "Easy Thai: An Introduction To the Thai Language, with Exercises and Answer Key." 113 pp.. Siri Aksornsat Press. cite. STATS (1)
Allison, Joe. 1977. "Discourse Analysis of a Southern Samal Text." In Studies in Philippine Linguistics, 1 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Mallison, Francoise. 1998. "Cinq Etudes Pour Un Point De Vue Comparatif Sur Les Litteratures Hagiographiques En Asie." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 85: . cite. STATS
Allison, Desmond and Kung Sau Ip. 1991. "Misreading Viewpoints: Reading Problems Among ESL University Students in Hong Kong." In Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics & Language Teaching, 14: . cite. STATS
Busch, Allison. 2005. "Literary Responses To the Mughal Imperium: the Historical Poems of Kesavadas." In South Asia Research, 25 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Lefferts, Leedom and Louise Allison Cort. 2000. "An Approach To the Study of Contemporary Earthenware Technology in Mainland Southeast Asia." In Journal of the Siam Society, 88 , no. 1-2: . cite. STATS
Mallison, Francoise. 1998. "Le Discours Hagiographique Dans Les Biographies Du Saint-poete Gujarati Narasimha Maheta (XVe Siecle, Inde Occidentale)." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 85: . cite. STATS
Mallison, Francoise. 2002. "Research in Gujarat." In Devotional literature in South Asia: current research 1997-2000: proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Early Literature in New Indo-Aryan Languages, Leuven, 23-26 August 2000, edited by Winand M. Callewaert and Dieter Taillieu. 119-122. Manohar Publishers & Distributors. cite. STATS
Allison, Desmond and Evelyn Cheung. 1991. "Good and Poor Writing and Writers: Studying Individual Performance As a Part of Test Validation." In Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics & Language Teaching, 14: . cite. STATS
Allison, Gordon H. 1969. "Easy Thai: An Introduction To the Thai Language, with Exercises and Answer Key. A Gradual Cumulative System with Little Time Wasted." 105 pp.. Charles E. Tuttle Co.. cite. STATS
Allison, Gordon H. 1972. "Compact Thai--English Dictionary: a Useful, Concise Dictionary of the Thai Language." 264 pp.. Professional Services Publishers and Translators. cite. STATS
Allison, Gordon H. 1973. "Mini-dictionary, English--Thai, Thai--English: a Total English-Thai and Thai-English Vocabulary of More Than 7,000 Selected Useful Words and Terms; with Thai Words Shown in Easy English Phonetics and Also in Real Thai Writing; Designed Especially For Those Who Cannot Yet Read the Thai Language But Want To Speak and Understand Thai." 479 pp.. Professional Services. cite. STATS
Allison Vernon C. and Randolph Vance. 1927. "Prehistoric Inhabitants of Crawford County, Kansas." In American Anthropologist, 29 , no. 3: 258--261. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Allison, Vernon C. 1927. "The Mound Builders: Whence and When." In American Anthropologist, 29 , no. 4: 670--688. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Allison Vernon C. and Nelson N. C. 1928. "In Re Jacob's Cavern." In American Anthropologist, 30 , no. 3: 544--548. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS