Results61 papers found searching for papers by "asmah" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2 Omar, Asmah Haji and Rama Subbiah. xxxx. "An Introduction To Malay Grammar." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1972. "Numeral Classifiers in Malay and Iban." In Anthropological Linguistics, 14 , no. 3: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1982. "Language and Society in Malaysia,." . Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka,. cite.
Omar, Asmah binti Haji. xxxx. "The Phonological Diversity of the Malay Dialects." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1977. "The Iban Language." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 25 , no. 46: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "The Linguistic Scenery in Malaysia." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "The Malay Peoples of Malaysia and Their Languages." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1985. "Patterns of Language Communication in Malaysia." In Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 13 , no. 1: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1985. "The Language Policy of Malaysia: a Formula For Balanced Pluralism." In Papers in South East Asian Linguistics, , no. 10. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1975. "Supranational Standardization of Spelling System: the Case of Malaysia and Indonesia." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, 1 , no. 165: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1975. "Language in Minority/majority Group Relations: the Case of the Diversity of the Malay Dialects." In Journal of the Siam Society, 63 , no. 2: . cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Omar, Asmah Haji. 1976. "The Verb in Kentakbong." In Austroasiatic Studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner et al.. Honolulu, 951-970. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1981. "The Malaysian National Language in Academic Discourse." In National language as medium of instruction: papers presented at the Fourth Conference of the Asian Association on National Languages (ASANAL), edited by Asmah haji omar and Noor Ein Mohd. Noor. 73-92. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1977. "The Syntax of the Adjective and the Nominal Clauses in Iban." In Studies in Third World Societies, 3: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1995. "The Teaching of Writing in Malaysian Schools." In Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 6 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "The Kadazan Language of Tambunan." In Sabah Society Journal, 6 , no. 4: 178-206. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 2002. "The Malay Sense of Geographical and Environmental Space." In Language, linguistics and the real world, vol.1, Making linguistics relevant: selected papers from the First International Conference on Language, Linguistics and the Real World, Kuala Lumpur, 16-18 October, 2002, edited by Gerald, et al. Knowles. 51-65. Faculty of Language and Linguistics, University of Malaya. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1973. "Noun Phrases in Malay." In Language Sciences, , no. 26. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 2003. "Geolinguistics and the Diffusion of Malay." In The genius of Malay civilisation, edited by Asmah Haji Omar. 333-360. Institute of Malay Civilisation, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1983. "The Development of the National Language of Malaysia." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 14 , no. 2: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1994. "The Rise and Spread of the Malay Language." In In: Malaysian development experiences: changes and challenges, 117-128. National Institute of Public Administration. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1979. "The Kedah Dialect: Its Distribution, Development and Role in the Kedah Speech Community." edited by Asmah Haji Omar. 1-14. Darulaman: essays on linguistic, cultural and socio-economic aspects of the Malaysian state of Kedah. Kuala Lumpur. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "Language and Society in Malaysia." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1999. "Sources of Conflict in Malay: a Psychosemantic Analysis." In Society and culture: the Asian heritage: festschrift for Juan R. Francisco, Ph.D., professor of Indology, edited by Artemio D. Palongpalong and Sylvano D. Mahiwo. 146-164. Asian Center, University of the Philippines. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1991. "Standard Language: Its Emergence and Choice." In In: Tickoo, Makhan L.. Languages & standards: issues, attitudes, case studies, 1-10. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1978. "Verbal Affixes in Standard Kadazan." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 26 , no. 47: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1973. "Reduplication in Malay." In In: International Congress of Orientalists, 29th, Paris, 1973. Indonesie. Section organisee par Denys Lombard, 8-16. L'Asiatheque. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1974. "The Role of Language Standardisation in the Coining of Technical Terms in Bahasa Malaysia." In Papers from the conference on the standardisation of Asian Languages, Manila, Philippines, Decemoer 16-21, 1974, edited by Alejandrino Q., A.O. Santiago Perez and Nguyen Dang Liem. 225-241. Australian National University. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1979. "Languages of Malaysia." In PSAL, 3-76. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1973. "The Verb in Kentakbong." In In: International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics, lst, Honolulu, 1973. Austroasiatic studies. Edited by Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, Stanley Starosta, 951-970. University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1979. "The Penan Language of Long Imam." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 27 , no. 48: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1978. "The Suluk Language of Samporna." In Brunei Museum Journal, 4 , no. 2: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1980. "The Bajau Darat Language." In Brunei Museum Journal, 4 , no. 4: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Hami. 1992. "An Overview of Linguistic Research On Sarawak." In In: Martin, Peter W. Shifting patterns of language use in Borneo. Williamsburg, Va, 69-80. Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary in Virginia. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1972. "Some Rules For the Coining of Technical Terms in Bahasa Malaysia." In Nusantara, , no. 2. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1979. "The Bisayah Language [of Borneo]." In Brunei Museum Journal, 4 , no. 3: . cite.
Omar, Asmah HaJi and Noor Ein Mohd. Noor. xxxx. "*National Language As Medium of Instruction: Papers Presented At the Fourth Conference of the Asian Association On National Languages (ASANAL)." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1978. "The Use of the Malaysian National Language in a Multilingual Society." In Early man in America from a circumpacific perspective, edited by Alan Lyle Bryan. 532-546. Archaeological Researches International. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 2000. "Managing Languages in Conflict Situation : a Special Reference To the Implementation of the Policy On Malay and English in Malaysia." In Journal of Asian Pacific communication, 10 , no. 2: 239-253. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1992. "Malay As a Pluricentric Language." In Pluricentric languages: differing norms in different nations, edited by Michael Clyne. 401-419. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Omar, Asmah binti Haji. xxxx. "The Teaching of Bahasa Malaysia in the Context On National Language Planning." . cite.
Ismail, Abdul Razak and Asmah Haji Omar. 1973. "The Sociolinguistic Situation in Malaysia." 51-63. In: Regional English Language Centre. Report of the regional workshop on the feasibility of a sociolinguistic survey of Southeast Asia. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "Essays On Malaysian Linguistics." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1983. "A Comparison of Malay and the Sarawak-type Languages." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 32 , no. 53: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1995. "Language Policy and Management in Malaysia." In Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 6 , no. 3: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1974. "The Possessive Phrase in the Western Austronesian Languages." In Oceanic Linguistics, 13 , no. 1/2: 391--407. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1977. "Efficiency of Language (with Special Reference To Bahasa Malaysia)." In Language planning and the building of a national language; essays in honor of Santiago A. Fonacier on his ninety-second birthday, edited by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and Andrew B. Gonzalez. 126-137. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "The Iban Language of Sarawak: a Grammatical Description." . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1970. "Trends In Bahasa Malaysia Grammar 1900-1971: a Critical Survey." In Federation Museums Journal, 15: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1979. "Perception and Reality As Reflected in the Kedah Dialect." edited by Asmah Haji Omar. 15-33. Darulaman: essays on linguistic, cultural and socio-economic aspects of the Malaysian state of Kedah. Kuala Lumpur. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1972. "Language and the Uniformity of Spelling." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 3 , no. 1: . cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. xxxx. "A Comparative Study of the Sabah-type Languages." In Sarjana, 157-176. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1993. "The First Congress For Malay." In The earliest stage of language planning : the “first congress” phenomenon, edited by Joshua A. Fishman. 181-197. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Asmah Haji Omar. 1995. "Bahasa Kesusasteraan Klasik Kedah." xx, 273 p. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. cite.
Asmah Haji Omar. 1992. "Kajian Dan Perkembangan Bahasa Melayu." 216 p. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. cite.
Asmah Haji Omar. 1994. "Malaysia : Language Situation." In The encyclopedia of language and linguistics, edited by Vol. 1 Ed.-in-chief: ronald e. asher j. m. y. simpson et al.. 5: 2351-2353. Pergamon. cite.
Asmah Haji Omar. 1992. "The Linguistic Scenery in Malaysia." x, 249 p. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 2000. "Peristilahan Bahasa Melayu : Pengalaman Malaysia." In Dewan Bahasa, 44 , no. 5: 530-545. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1963. "Bahasa Semang - Dialek Kentakbong." . U. Malaya,. cite.
Omar, Asmah Haji. 1972. "Comparative Linguistics in Southeast Asia: Its Scope and Method of Approach." In Brunei Museum Journ. 2.4:1-5-7., . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Asmah Haji Omar. 1985. "The Language Policy of Malaysia: a Formula For Balanced Pluralism." In Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No.9, edited by David Bradley. 9: 39-49. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.