14 papers found searching for papers by "bastian" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 2
Bastian, Adolf. 1868. "Reise Durch Kambodja Nach Cochinchina." x, 436 pp.. Hermann Costenoble. cite. STATS (3)
Bastian, Adolf. 1865. "On Some Siamese Inscriptions." In Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 34: 27-38. cite. STATS (1)
Bastian, Adolf. 1870. "Sprachvergleichende Studien Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Indochinesischen Sprachen." xxxviii, 344 pp.. F. A. Brockhaus. cite. STATS (1)
Shaumyan, Sebastian. 1980. "Semiotic Bases of Universal Grammar." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 9 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Wood, W.A.R. and E.G. Sebastian. 1926. "Fernao Mendez Pinto's Account of Events in Siam: a Paper Read At a Meeting of the Study Section of History, Archaeology, Literature and Philology On October 21st 1925." In Journal of the Siam Society, 20 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Yananda, Nan Chan Sungsi, Luang Nonwakorn and E.G. Sebastian. xxxx. "The Yao: a Paper Written in Reply To the Questionnaire of the Siam Society." In Journal of the Siam Society, 19 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Sébastianoff, François. 1999. "Le Syllabogramme Dans L'écriture Du Chinois." In La linguistique : revue de la Société Internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle = journal of the International Society for functional linguistics, 35 , no. 1: 51-63. cite. STATS
Sébastianoff, Françoise. 1995. "La Double Articulation Graphique Dans L’écriture Du Chinois." In La linguistique : revue de la Société Internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle = journal of the International Society for functional linguistics, 31 , no. 2: 103-115. cite. STATS
Bastian, Adolf. 1867. "Über Die Siamesischen Laut- Und Tonaccente." In Monatsberichte der Königlichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1867: 357-86. cite. STATS
Bastian, Adolf. 1868. "Remarks On the Indo-Chinese Alphabets." In <Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society> n.s., 3: 65-80. cite. STATS
Bastian, Adolf. 1883. "Völkerstämme Am Brahmaputra, Und Verwandtschaftliche Nachbarn." . cite. STATS
Sebastian, E. G. 1925. "The Yao, Translation of a Paper Written By Nai Chan Sungsi Yananda and Luang Nonwakorn in Reply To the Questionnaire of the S.S." In Journal of Semitic studies, 83-93. cite. STATS
Mulloy, William. 1969. "Sebastian Englert 1888-1969." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 6: 1109--1111. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Bastian, A. 1866. "Brahmanical Inscriptions in Buddhistic Temples in Siam." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 8: 377--379. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS