9 papers found searching for papers by "beebe" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2
Beebe, Leslie M. Socially Conditioned Variation in Bangkok Thai. PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 1974. cite. STATS (3)
Beebe, Leslie M. 1976. "Social Conditioning of Grooved and Flat Fricatives in Thai." In Tai linguistics in honor of Fang-kuei Li, edited by Thomas W. Gething et al.. 13-27. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite. STATS (2)
Beebe, Leslie M. 1975. "Occupational Prestige and Consonant Cluster Simplification in Bangkok Thai." In Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia, edited by Joan Rubin. 43-62. cite. STATS (2)
Beebe, Leslie M., Tomoko Takahashi and Robin Uliss-weltz. 1990. "Pragmatic Transfer in ESL [English As a Second Language] Refusals [compares Native Speakers of Japanese, Hebrew and English and Japanese and Hebrew Students of English As a Second Langauge]." In Developing communicative competence in a second language, edited by Robin C. Scarcella et al.. 55-73. Newbury House Publishers. cite. STATS
Beebe, Leslie and Tomoko Takahashi. 1989. "Do You Have a Bag? Social Status and Patterned Variation in Second Language Acquisition." In In: Gass, Susan, et al. Variation in second language acquisition, volume 1: discourse and pragmatics. Clevedon, Avon, Eng, 103-125. Multilingual Matters. cite. STATS
Beebe, Leslie M. 1975. "Initial Consonant Cluster Reduction As a Function of Age Group in Bangkok Thai Speakers." In A Tai Festschrift for William J. Gedney on the occasion of his fifth cycle of life birthday anniversary, April 4, 1975, edited by Thomas W. Gething. 13-42. University of Hawaii Southeast Asian Studies Program. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Beebe, Leslie M. 1979. "Initial Consonant Cluster Reduction As a Function of Age Group in Bangkok Thai Speakers." In Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No.6, Tai Studies in Honor of William J. Gedney, edited by T.W. Gething and Nguyen Dang Liem. 6: 11-36. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite. STATS
Beebe, Leslie M. 1971. "Review of Vichin Panupong, <Inter-sentence Relations in Modern Conversational Thai>." In Journal of the Siam Society, 59 , no. 1: 245-9. cite. STATS
Beebe, Leslie M. 1980. "Listener Ethnicity and Linguistic Accommodation: the Case of Chinese Thais." . cite. STATS