30 papers found searching for papers by "binh" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
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Binh, Tran Dinh. 2001. "Perspectives Actuelles De L'enseignement Du Francais Au Vietnam." In Peninsule, , no. 42. cite. STATS
Bui, Cong Binh. 1987. "Family Planning in Thai Binh Province." In Vietnamese Studies, 23 , no. 16: . cite. STATS
Binh, Vu Ngoc. 1992. "Vietnam and the UN Convention On the Rights of the Child." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 2. cite. STATS
Binh, Vu Ngoc. 1990. "Literacy Work in Vietnam--main Problems." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 28. cite. STATS
Ray, Pranabesh Binha. 1978. "A Conspectus of the Speeches of Eastern India." In Calcutta Review [3rd ser.], 3 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Binh, Dang The. xxxx. "Tu" Dien Anh-Viet Hien Dai = Modern English-Vietnamese Dictionary." . cite. STATS
Tin, Thanh. 1973. "The Binh-Tri-Thien Front in the First Resistance War (1946-1954)." In Vietnamese Studies, 9 , no. 37: . cite. STATS
Binh, Phan Ke and Pham Dinh Ho. 1991. "Notes On Traditional Education." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 3. cite. STATS
Binh-Nguyen-Loc,. 1974. "A La Recherche Des Auslroasiatiques Par L'etude Comparative Des Langues." In Vietnam, , no. 8,. cite. STATS
Binh, Pham Dan. xxxx. "Premiers Pas En Vietnamien." . cite. STATS
Binh, Duong. 1974. "Water Control in Agriculture." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 38. cite. STATS
Binh, Duong Thanh and William W. Gage. xxxx. "Vietnamese-English Phrasebook with Useful Word List (for English Speakers)." . cite. STATS
Du'o'ng-thanh-Binh,. xxxx. "A Tagmemic Comparison of the Structure of English and Vietnamese Sentences." . cite. STATS
Binh, Vu Ngoc. 1990. "L'alphabetisation Au Vietnam: Problemes Fondamentaux." In Etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 4. cite. STATS
Binh, Vu Trong. 1995. "Hog-rearing Systems in the Red River Delta." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 45. cite. STATS
Xuan, Binh Hoang. 1972. "Military Events in 1971." In Vietnamese Studies, 1 , no. 33: . cite. STATS
Khac, Binh. 1990. "Lobster-rearing." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 28. cite. STATS
Ngo, Binh N. and Bac Hoai Tran. 2001. "The Vietnamese Language Learning Framework." In Journal of Southeast Asian Language Teaching, . cite. STATS
Truong, Van Binh. 1993. "Vietnamese." In Community languages in the Netherlands, 301-318. Swets & Zeitlinger. cite. STATS
Lôc, Binh Nguyên. 1971. "Nguôn Gôc Ma Lai Cua Dân Tôc Viêt Nam." 893 pp.. Bach Bôc Xuât Ban. cite. STATS
Lôc, Binh Nguyên. 1972. "Lot Tran Viêt Ngủ." 407, 5 pp.. Ngủỏn Xủỏ. cite. STATS
Lôc, Binh Nguyên. 1974. "A La Recherche Des Austroasiatiques Par L'étude Comparative Des Langues." In Viêt-Nam, 8: 9-42. cite. STATS
Van, Đang Nghiêm, Nguyên Truc Binh, Nguyên Văn Huy and Thanh Thiên. 1972. "Nhủng Nhom Dân Tôc Thuôc Ngủ Hê Nam A ỏ Tây Băc Viêt Nam." 425 pp.. Nha Xuat Ban Khao Hoc Xa hoi. cite. STATS
Binh, Đăng Thê and et Al. 1982. "Tủ-đ Iên Anh--viêt Hiên đ Ai." 1959 pp.. Lee Man Publishing. cite. STATS
Binh, Dủỏng Thanh. 1971. "A Tagmemic Comparison of the Structure of English and Vietnamese Sentences." 232 pp.. Mouton. cite. STATS
Binh, Dủỏng Thanh and William Gage. 1975. "Vietnamese--English Phrasebook with Useful Word List (for English Speakers)." 74 pp.. Center for Applied Linguistics. cite. STATS
Nguyên Dủỏng Binh. 1975. "Vê Thanh Phân Dân Tôc Cua Ngủỏi Nguôn." In VXDV, 472-91. cite. STATS
Nguyên Văn Van. "." . cite. STATS
Vo Binh. 1970. "Môt Vai Nhân Xet Vê Tủ Ghep Song Song Tiêng Viêt." In Namn og nemne : tidsskrift for norsk namnegransking, . cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Binh-Ho'a, Nguyen. 1976. "Ditransitive Verbs in Vietnamese." In Austroasiatic Studies, edited by Philip N. Jenner et al.. Honolulu, 919-950. The University Press of Hawaii. cite. STATS