Results12 papers found searching for papers by "bisang" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2 Bisang, Walter. 1993. "Classifiers, Quantifiers and Class Nouns in Hmong." In Studies in language : international journal sponsored by the foundation "Foundations of Language", 17 , no. 1: 1-51. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1996. "Areal Typology and Grammaticalization : Processes of Grammaticalization Based On Nouns and Verbs in East and Mainland South East Asian Languages." In Studies in language : international journal sponsored by the foundation "Foundations of Language", 20 , no. 3: 519-597. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1991. "VERB SERIALISATION, Grammaticalisation and Attractor Positions in Chinese, Hmong, Vietnamese, Thai and Khmer." In Partizipation : das sprachliche Erfassen von Sachverhalten, 509-562. Narr. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 2003. "Aspect in East and Mainland Southeast Asian Languages - a First Step." In Manusya : journal of humanities, 6: 43-56. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1992. "Zum Paiwan, Einer Sprache Des Philippinischen Strukturtyps Auf Taiwan." In Asiatische Studien, 46 , no. 2: . cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1998. "Adverbiality : the View From the Far East." In Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe, edited by Johan van der Auwera and in collaboration with Dónall P. Ó Baoill. 641-812. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 2006. "Argumenthood and Syntax in Chinese, Japanese and Tagalog." In Datives and other cases : between argument structure and event structure, edited by Daniel Hole et al.. 332-381. Benjamins. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1992. "Das Verb Im Chinesischen, Hmong, Vietnamesischen, Thai Und Khmer : Vergleichende Grammatik Im Rahmen Der Verbserialisierung, Der Grammatikalisierung Und Der Attraktorpositionen." ix, 525 p. Narr. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1998. "Grammaticalization and Language Contact, Constructions and Positions." In The limits of grammaticalization, edited by Anna Giacalone Ramat Paul J. Hopper. 13-58. Benjamins. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1996. "Sprachliche Areale in Asien Am Beispiel Der Satzverknüpfung." In Areale, Kontakte, Dialekte : Sprache und ihre Dynamik in mehrsprachigen Situationen : Beiträge zum 10. Bochum-Essener Symposium “Areale, Kontakte, Dialekte : Sprache und ihre Dynamik in mehrsprachigen Situationen” vom 30.6.-01.07.1995 an der Universität GH Essen, edited by Norbert Boretzky Werner Enninger Thomas Stolz. 24-50. Brockmeyer. cite.
Bisang, Walter. 1997. "Verbserialisierung in Ost- Und Südostasiatischen Sprachen." In Infinitive : sprachtypologische Studien, 10-34. secolo. cite.
Bisang, Walter and Oluremi C. Sonaiya. 1997. "Perfect and Beyond, From Pragmatic Relevance To Perfect : the Chinese Sentence Final Particle Le and Yoruba Ti." In Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 50 , no. 2: 143-158. cite.