39 papers found searching for papers by "blagden" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 3
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1910. "Quelques Notions Sur La Phonétique Du Talain Et Son évolution Historique." In <Journal Asiatique>, 10. série, 15: 477-505. cite. STATS (5)
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1903. "The Comparative Philology of the Sakai and Semang Dialects of the Malay Peninsula - a Review." In Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 39: 47-63. cite. STATS (3)
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1894. "Early Indo-Chinese Influence in the Malay Peninsula, As Illustrated By Some of the Dialects of the Aboriginal Tribes." In Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 27: 21-56. cite. STATS (2)
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1913. "The Classification of the Annamese Language." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1913: 427-32. cite. STATS (2)
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1929. "Achinese and Mon-Khmer." In {/dut <Feestbundel uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen bij gelegenheid van zijn 150 jarig bestaan, 1778-1928>, 2: 35-8. G. Kolff. cite. STATS (2)
Duroiselle, Charles and Charles Otto Blagden. 1919. "Epigraphia Birmanica, Being Lithic and Other Inscriptions of Burma." 5 vols.. Government Printing and Stationery. cite. STATS (2)
Skeat, Walter W., and Charles Otto Blagden. 1906. "Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula,." In Vol. II, London, Macmillan, x, 855p., . cite. STATS (2)
Halliday, Robert. 1930. "Les Inscriptions Môn Du Siam." In Bulletin de l'Ecôle Française d'Extrême-Orient, 30: 81-105. cite. STATS (1)
Blagden, C. Otto. 1908. "Curriculum of a Course in Malay in Paris." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Bort, Balthasar, M.J. Bremner and C.O. Blagden. 1927. "Report of Governor Balthasar Bort On Malacca: 1678." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 5 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1929. "Hikayat Maharaja Ali." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 7 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. xxxx. "A Further Note On the Kota Kapur Inscription." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1909. "From Central India To Polynesia: a New Linguistic Synthesis." In Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 53: 163-73. cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1905. "Dr. Brandstetter's Malayo-polynesian Researches: An Appreciation." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1902. "Dialects of the Malay Peninsula." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 2002. "A Chinese Vocabulary of Malacca Malay Words and Phrases Collected Between A.D. 1403 and 1511(?)." In In: Braginsky, Vladimir, comp. Classical civilisations of South East Asia: an anthology of articles published in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 363-397. RoutledgeCurzon. cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1916. "Notes On Malay History." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1913. "The Kota Kapur (western Bangka) Inscription." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1902. "A Malayan Element in Some of the Languages of Southern Indo-China." In Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 38: 1-28. cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1899. "The Name 'Malayu'." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1903. "A Buddhist Votive Tablet." In Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1930. "Minangkabau Custom--Malacca." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 8 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1925. "An Unpublished Variant Version of the "Malay Annals"." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 3 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1924. "A Note On the Trengganu Inscription." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 2 , no. 3: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1928. "Notes On Some Malay Words." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 6 , no. 4: . cite. STATS
Blagden, C.O. 1923. "The Teaching of Malay At the School of Oriental Studies, London." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 1 , no. 1: . cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1907. "The Chronicle of Pegu: a Text in the Mon Language." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1907: 367-74. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1907. "Review of Aymonier & Cabaton, {\fr <Dictionnaire čam--français>." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1907: 1986-96. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1911. "A Preliminary Study of the Fourth Text of the Myazedi Inscriptions." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1911: 365-88. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1912. "Notes On Talaing Epigraphy." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 2: 38-43. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1914. "Etymological Notes. I. Talaing. II. Mon and Ramaññadesa." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 4: 57-60. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1914. "The Myazedi Inscriptions." In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1914: 1063-9. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1914. "The Transliteration of Old Burmese Inscriptions." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 4: 136-9. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1915. "Some Etymological Notes: VIII. Some Alleged Chinese Words in Burmese." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 5: 27-8. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1916. "Klañjo-khe:zū." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 6: 92-5. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1917. "The Pyu Inscriptions." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 7: 37-44. cite. STATS
Blagden, Charles Otto. 1940. "Certain Words of the Pegu Language." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 30: 371-5. cite. STATS
Duroiselle, Charles and Charles Otto Blagden. 1919. "The Myazedi Inscriptions." v, 68 pp.. Government Printing and Stationery. cite. STATS
Edwards, Evangeline Dora and Charles Otto Blagden. 1940. "A Chinese Vocabulary of Cham Words and Phrases, Transcribed, Translated, and Edited By E. D. Edwards and C. O. Blagden." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 10: 53-91. cite. STATS