Results11 papers found searching for papers by "bowden" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Bowden, John. 1997. "The Meanings of Directionals in Taba." In Referring to space : studies in Austronesian and Papuan languages, edited by Gunter Senft. 251-268. Clarendon. cite.
Hajek John and Bowden John. 2002. "A Phonological Oddity in the Austronesian Area: Ejectives in Waimoa." In Oceanic Linguistics, 41 , no. 1: 222--224. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
Bowden, John and John Hajek. 2007. "Not Just Tetum: Language Development and the Case of Waim'a." In East Timor: beyond independence. Clayton, Vic, edited by Damien Kingsbury and Michael Leach. 263-274. Monash University Press. cite.
Bowden, John and Malcolm Ross. xxxx. "Trilingual Dictionary of Lamaholot (Indonesia) [review Article of Koda Kiwa: Dreisprachliches Worterbuch Des Lamaholot (Dialekt Von Lewolema), By Karl-Heinz Pampus]." In Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 4 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Bowden, John. 2002. "The Impact of Malay On Taba: a Type of Incipient Language Death or Incipient Death of a Language Type? [indigenous Language of North Maluku Province, Indonesia]." In Language endangerment and language maintenance, edited by David Bradley and Maya Bradley. 114-143. RoutledgeCurzon. cite.
Bowden, John and John Hajek. 1996. "Taba." In Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 26 , no. 1: 55-57. cite.
Bowden, Edgar. 1969. "An Index of Sociocultural Development Applicable To Precivilized Societies." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 3: 454--461. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Bowden, Edgar. 1969. "A Dimensional Model of Multilinear Sociocultural Evolution." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 5: 864--870. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Bowden, Edgar. 1969. "Indices of Sociocultural Development and Cultural Accumulation: An Exponential Cultural Growth Law and a "Cultural Surgency" Factor." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 6: 1112--1115. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Bowden, Edgar. 1971. "Cluster Density Analysis of Dimensional Socio-Cultural Evolution Models." In American Anthropologist, 73 , no. 1: 96--100. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Bowden, Edgar. 1972. "Standardization of An Index of Sociocultural Development For Precivilized Societies." In American Anthropologist, 74 , no. 5: 1122--1132. American Anthropological Association. cite.