Results12 papers found searching for papers by "brainard" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Brainard, Sherri. 1994. "Voice and Ergativity in Karao." In Voice and inversion, edited by T. G Ivón. 365-402. Benjamins. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1998. "Localist Case Grammar and Philippine Verbs." In Localist case grammar and Philippine verbs, edited by Sherri Brainard. 1-9. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. xxxx. "*Localist Case Grammar and Philippine Verbs." . cite.
Brainard, Sherri and Lauretta Dubois. 1990. "Some Functions of Direct Quotes in Tagabawa Discourse." In Studies in Philippine Linguistics, 8 , no. 1: . cite.
Brainard, Sherri and Ena Vander Molen. 2005. "Word Order Inverse in Obo Manobo." In Current issues in Philippine linguistics and anthropology: parangal kay Lawrence A. Reid, edited by Hsiu-chuan Liao and Carl R. Galvez Rubino. 364-418. Linguistic Society of the Philippines; SIL Philippines. cite.
Ma, Youngrye and Sherri Brainard. 1998. "Emotion Verbs in Bantoanon." In Localist case grammar and Philippine verbs, edited by Sherri Brainard. 26-34. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1996. "Why the 'focused NP' Is Not the Subject in Philippine Languages: Evidence From Karao." In Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 27 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 2003. "Karao Texts." In Studies in Philippine Languages and Cultures, 13: . cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1997. "Ergativity and Grammatical Relations in Karao." In Grammatical relations : a functionalist perspective, edited by Talmy Givón. 85-154. Benjamins. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1995. "Functions of Marked Perfectivity in Expository Discourse in Upper Tanudan Kalinga (Philippines)." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 21S: 61-71. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1994. "The Phonology of Karao, the Philippines." vi, 259 p. Australian National Univ., Dept. of Ling., Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. cite.
Brainard, Sherri. 1995. "Voice and Ergativity in Karao." In Notes on linguistics, 70: 15-16. cite.