Results5 papers found searching for papers by "bresnahan" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Bresnahan, Mary Isabelle. xxxx. "Finding Our Feet: Understanding Crosscultural Discourse." . cite.
Bresnahan, Mary. 1992. "Mutlilingual Word Play in a Tagalog Text." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 35-46. Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University. cite.
Bresnahan, Mary I. 2000. "Centering, Anaphora Resolution, and Discourse Structure in Tagalog." In Parangal cang brother Andrew : Festschrift for Andrew Gonzalez on his sixtieth birthday, edited by Ed.: M. Lourdes S. Bautista Teodoro A. Llamzon Bonifacio P. Sibayan. 69-80. Ling. Soc. of the Philippines. cite.
Liao, Chao-Chih and Mary I. Bresnahan. 1996. "A Contrastive Pragmatic Study On American English and Mandarin Refusal Strategies." In Language sciences, 18 , no. 3-4: 703-727. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Bresnahan, Mary. 1992. "Multilingual Word Play in a Tagalog Text." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 35-46. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.