158 papers found searching for papers by "chau" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Chu, Chauncey C. xxxx. "A Reference Grammar of Mandarin Chinese For English Speakers." . cite.
Hsiao, Yuchau E. 1991. "The Syntax-phonology Interface As the Key To Metricality : Evidence From Taiwanese Folk Songs." In Kansas working papers in linguistics, 16: 77-98. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1993. "The Prototypicality of Topic in Mandarin Chinese." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 28 , no. 1: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1973. "The Passive Construction: Chinese and English." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 1 , no. 3: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Do Tat Loi: a Scientist Devoted To Traditional Medicine." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Ton That Tung: the Father of Liver Surgery." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chaussin, Elisabeth. 1978. "Aspects Spatiaux De L'organisation Sociale Des Saora." In Homme: revue francaise d'Anthropologie, 18 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Nguyen Van Truong, a Water and Forestry Engineer in a Productive Retirement." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Ali, Mohammad. and Rafiq Chaudhry. xxxx. "A Multilanguage Dictionary." . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "The Difficult Road of Dang Van Chung." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Hoang, Bao Chau. 1978. "Combining Traditional and Modern Medicines in Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, 13 , no. 50: . cite.
Chau, Thanh. 1990. "The Traditional National Medicine." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 27. cite.
Devin, Chaumont. xxxx. "A Dictionary and Gramatical Notes On the Language of Buru Island." . cite.
Michaud, Jean. 2004. "French Missionary Expansion On Colonial Upper Tonkin." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 35 , no. 2: 287. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1987. "De As a Particle of Presupposition." In Wang Li memorial volumes, edited by Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong. 101-119. Joint. cite.
Chau, Thich Thien. 1990. "Bioethics As Seen By Buddhists." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 25. cite.
Kon, Chau Soc. 1982. "Le Cambodge Et Ses Problemes Politiques." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 13: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "The Paleontologist Dang Vu Khuc." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Schaufele, Steven. 1988. "Where's My NP? Non-transformational Analyses of Verdic Pronominal Fronting." In Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 18 , no. 2: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1991. "Simplified Characters and Their (un)relatedness." In Sino-Platonic Papers, , no. 27. cite.
Deeney, John J. and Simon S.C. Chau. xxxx. "ECCE Translator's Manual: An Annotated Bibliographical Handbook On English-Chinese Chinese-English Translation with Documentation and Organization Information." . cite.
Das, S. and B.B. Chaudhuri. 2004. "Readability Modelling Using Statistical Regression: a Study On Bangla Texts." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 33 , no. 1: . cite.
Chauhan, D.V. 1974. "Hamun and Jawal." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 55 , no. 1-4: . cite.
On, Chau. 1990. "Apercu Sur La Litterature Populaire Khmere Dans La Delta Du Mekong." In Etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 27. cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 2000. "Vietnamese Studies in China." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 135. cite.
Chauhan, D.V. xxxx. "The Rgvedians in Anatolia." In Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal, 23: 36-54. cite.
Chaubey, B.B. xxxx. "Varieties of Interpretation of the Lexemes in the Nirukta." In Sri Venkateswara University Oriental Journal, 2 , no. 1-(1987-1988): 35-42. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Hoang Tuy and the Theory of Global Optimization." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 2004. "The Creation and Dissemination of Writing Systems For Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: the Current Situation and Related Policies." In Ethnic minorities and politics in Southeast Asia, edited by Thomas Engelbert and Hans Dieter Kubitscheck. 271-282. Peter Lang. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Pham Ngoc Thach: a Physician and Revolutionary." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chu, Chauncey. 1985. "Lu's 'syntactic Word' and Conceptual Dynamism." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 20 , no. 1: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1989. "Complementarity Between Formalism and Functionalism in Mandarin Grammar." In Proceedings of the third Ohio State University Conference on Chinese Linguistics (13-14 May 1988), edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Thomas Ernst. 95-115. Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. and W. Vincent Chang. 1987. "The Discourse Function of the Verbal Suffix -le in Mandarin." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 15 , no. 2: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Tran Dai Nghia, or 'Tran of the Great Cause'." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1976. "'Conceptual Wholeness' and the 'retained' Object." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 4 , no. 1: . cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 1998. "Austronesian Words in Geographical Names in the Central Highlands of Vietnam." In Vietnam Social Sciences, , no. 4. cite.
On, Chau. 1990. "Glimpse of Khmer Popular Literature in the Mekong Delta." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 27. cite.
Thich, Thien Chau. 1993. "Prominent Figures of Vietnamese Buddhism." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 2. cite.
Scherrer-Schaub, Christina. 1981. "Le Terme Yukti: Premiere Etude." In Asiatische Studien, 35 , no. 2: . cite.
Chau, Rebecca and Yuko Shibata. 2000. "Teaching Japanese To a Multicultural Student Population." In Japan after the economic miracle: in search of new directions, edited by Paul Bowles and Lawrence T. Woods. 277-301. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Dang Hong Van and National Pharmacy." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Hsiao, Yuchau E. 1991. "A Cognitive Grammar Approach To Perfect Aspect : Evidence From Chinese." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 17: 390-401. cite.
Scherrer-Schaub, Cristina Anna. 1992. "Sa Cu: Qu 'y-a-t-il Au Programme De La Classe De Philologie Bouddhique?" In Tibetan studies: proceedings of the 5th seminar of the International Association, edited by Shoren Ihara and Zuiho Yamaguchi. 209-220. Naritasan Shinshoji. cite.
Hsiao, Yuchau E. 1990. "The Bermuda Triangle of Syntax, Rhythm and Tone." In Proceedings--Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, 7: . cite.
Blah, Edingson and B.B. Chaudhuri. xxxx. "Chapala's Khasi Self Teacher." . cite.
Lachaud, Francois. xxxx. "Dans La Fumee Des Morts: Avatars Japonais D'une Anecdote Chinoise." In Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 145-172. cite.
Schaufele, Steven. 1991. "Verb-medial Clauses in Vedic: Some Theoretical Implications." In Studies in Sanskrit syntax: a volume in honour of the centennial of Speijer's Sanskrit syntax (1886-1986), edited by Hans Henrich Hock. 177-196. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. cite.
Chaudhary, S.C. 1990. "Need For English in India and the Syllabus Reform." In New Quest, . cite.
Chaudhury, Kabir. 1972. "Bangladesh and the Bangla Academy." In Development Dialogue, . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 2002. "Relevance Theory, Discourse Markers and the Mandarin Utterance-final Particle A/ya." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 37 , no. 1: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1989. "The Interplay of Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics in Mandarin Chinese." In Functionalism and Chinese grammar = Kung neng hsueh shuo yu Chung wen wen fa. South Orange, N.J, edited by James H.-Y. Tai and Frank F.S. Hsueh. 19-43. Chinese Language Teachers Association. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Ta Quang Buu: An Objective and Scholarly Teacher." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Hoang, Thi Chau. xxxx. "Grundkurs Vietnamesisch." . cite.
Chandra, Chaudhri Harish. 1985. "The Role of English in India--present and Future." In Profiles in Indian languages and literatures, edited by Arun Kumar Biswas. 225-242. Indian Languages Society. cite.
Chaudhury, Rafiquel Huda. 2002. "Does Globalization Adversely Affect Population and Poverty?" In Southeast Asian Studies = Tonan Ajia kenkyu, 40 , no. 3: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Dao Van Tien: a Pioneering Biologist." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Schaufele, Steven. 1991. "Single-word Topicalization in Vedic Prose: a Challenge To Government & Binding?" In Studies in Sanskrit syntax: a volume in honour of the centennial of Speijer's Sanskrit syntax (1886-1986), edited by Hans Henrich Hock. 153-175. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. cite.
Chaubey, B.B. xxxx. "Does the Word Arya in the Rgveda Connote a Race?" In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 181-193. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1990. "Semantics and Discourse in Chinese Language Instruction." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 25 , no. 3: . cite.
Chauhan, D.V. 1971. "Al-Djummal and Decimal Notation in Indo-muslim Epigraphy." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 52 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Hook, Peter Edwin and Mohabbat Singh Man Singh Chauhan. 1988. "The Perfective Adverb in Bhitrauti." In Word : journal of the International Linguistic Association, 39 , no. 3: . cite.
Chaudhury, Sukomal. 1973. "A Critical Pali Dictionary"." In Maha Bodhi, 81 , no. 5-6: . cite.
Scherrer-Schaub, Cristina A. 1990. "Some Remarks On P.T. 795 and 796 [two Manuscripts On Yukti-sastika's Tibetan Translation]." In Acta Orientalia, 54 , no. 1-2*: . cite.
Scherrer-Schaub, C. 2002. "Ronald Emmerick (1937-2001)." In Journal asiatique, 290 , no. 2: . cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1984. "Riding Astride and the Saddle in Ancient China." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 44 , no. 2: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "The Miraculous Needles of Nguyen Tai Thu." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Chaudhary, Shreesh. 2004. "Right To the Use of Mother Tongue." In Linguistics, theoretical and applied: a Festschrift for Ruqaiya Hasan, edited by Omkar N. Koul and Imtiaz S. Hasnain. 74-86. Indian Institute of Language Studies. cite.
Chaudhry, Nazir Ahmad. xxxx. "Development of Urdu As Official Language in the Punjab, 1849-1974." . cite.
Dash, Niladri Sekhar and Bidyut Baran Chaudhury. 2002. "Corpus Generation and Text Processing." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 31 , no. 1: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1997. ""Aboutness" and Clause-linking: Two Separate Functions of Topic in Mandarin." In Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, 27 , no. 1: . cite.
Chan, Mun-Chee, Helen L.H. Chau and Rumjahn Hoosain. 1983. "Input/output Switch in Bilingual Code Switching." In Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 12 , no. 4: . cite.
Chaubey, B.B. 1977. "The Problem of Kampa Svara in Ye 1 Ra (RV.X.84.4)." In Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, 33 , no. 2: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey, W. South Coblin and Feng-fu Tsao. xxxx. "*Papers From the Fourteenth International Conference On Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics." . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Le Van Thiem: a Patriotic Mathematician." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chaubey, B.B. xxxx. "A Note On the Word Saviraya." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 513-517. cite.
Chaudhary, Radhakrishna. xxxx. "Inscriptions of Ancient India." . cite.
Ky, Hoang Chau. 1998. "Classical Opera Hat Boi." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 130. cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Ho Dac Di: a Physician of Conscience and Intelligence." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 147. cite.
Chau, Phan Boi. 1994. "Confucianism and Democracy." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 41. cite.
Chau, Thich Thien. 1990. "Bioethique Vue Par Les Bouddhistes." In Etudes vietnamiennes, , no. 25. cite.
Chaudhary, Shreesh. 2002. "Language Policy of the East India Company, 1600-1857: a Case Study in Interdisciplinary Research." In Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 9 , no. 2: . cite.
Chu, Chaucey. 1984. "Beef It Up with Ne." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 19 , no. 3: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1978. "Structure and Pedagogy--a Case Study of the Particles -zhe and Ne." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 13 , no. 2: . cite.
Chu, Chauncey. 1985. "How Would You Like Your Necooked?" In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 20 , no. 3: . cite.
Chau, Ham. 2003. "Vu Dinh Cu and the GK1 Group: Clearing American Mines." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 150. cite.
Roy, Gilbert W. 1980. "Chauvinism in Chinese and Other Languages." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 15 , no. 1: . cite.
Chaudhary, Nandita and N. Suparna. 1992. "Multilingual Learning." In Seminar, . cite.
Lachaud, Francois. 2005. "Dans Le Droit Chemin: Quelques Remarques Sur La Legitimite Et Son Vocabulaire Au Japon." In Legitimites, Legitimations: La construction de l'autorite au Japon, edited by Anne Bouchy et al.. 19-44. Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient. cite.
Michaux, Henri. xxxx. "Ideograms in China; Tr. From the French By Gustaf Sobin." . cite.
Hai, Chau. 1993. "The Chinese in Pho’ Hie’n and Their Relations with Other Chinese in Other Urban Areas of Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 40. cite.
Dash, N.S. and B.B. Chaudhury. 2003. "Relevance of Corpus in Language Research and Application." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 32 , no. 2: . cite.
Ke, Chaunren. 1996. "An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Chinese Character Recognition and Production." In Modern Language Journal, 80 , no. 3: . cite.
Chau, Carrie Kam Hung and Irene Kwok Chun Ip. 2001. "Computer Technology and Translation: Friends and Foes? [study Conducted At the City University of Hong Kong]." In Fan yi xue bao = Journal of Translation Studies, , no. 6. cite.
Chauhan, Gian. 1996. "Traces of Feudalism in the Nirmand Copper Plate Inscription of Ca. 612-13 A.D." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 77 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Chauhan, V. 1972. "The Problem of Navaits in India." In Journal of the Oriental Institute, 21 , no. 4: . cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 1996. "Phonetic Typology of Languages in Vietnam and a Common Transcription For Them." In Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, edited by Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak. 193-211. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
Chu, Chauncey C. 1987. "The Semantics, Syntax, and Pragmatics of the Verbal Suffix -zhe." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 22 , no. 1: . cite.
Chau, Hai. 1993. "The Chinese in Pho’ Hie’n and Their Relations with Other Chinese in Other Urban Areas of Vietnam." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 4. cite.
Chaudhuri, Mantoshi Ch. 1987. "The Origins of Saivism and the Emergence of the Trika System." In Journal of the Asiatic Society, 29 , no. 3: . cite.
Chaudhary, Radhakrishna. 1975. "Some Aspects of Feudalism in South India (From the Earliest Times To 15th Century A.D. Based Mainly On Inscriptions)." In Journal of Indian History, 53 , no. 1: . cite.
Chau, Thich Thien. 1993. "Prominent Figures of Vietnamese Buddhism." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 38. cite.
Chaudhury, Usha. 1984. "Vedic Mythical Symbol and the Science of Etymology." In Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, 40 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Michailovsky, Boyd and Alexis Michaud. 2006. "Syllabic Inventory of a Western Naxi Dialect and Correspondence with Joseph F. Rock's Transcriptions." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 35 , no. 1: . cite.
Chaudhary, Shreesh C. 1989. "An Explanation of Simplification in Pidgins: Evidence From Indian English." In Indian Linguistics, . cite.
Chau, Do Huu and Nguyen Van Thac. xxxx. "On the Lexical System of Vietnamese." In Vietnamese Studies, 11 , no. 40: . cite.
Michaud, Alexis. 2006. "Three Extreme Cases of Neutralization: Nasality, Retroflexion and Lip-rounding in Naxi." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 35 , no. 1: . cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 2000. "Notes On the Teaching of Vietnamese in Japan." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 135. cite.
Daudin, P. 1942. "Chau-Van-Tiep (1738-1784): General De Gia-long." In Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Indochinoises de Saigon, , no. 2. cite.
Chaudhuri, B.B. 1990. "Computer-based Natural Language Processing of Bengali." In Indian Journal of Linguistics, 17 , no. 2: . cite.
Dash, Niladri Sekhar and Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri. 2001. "A Corpus-based Study of the Bangla Language." In Indian Journal of Linguistics, 20: . cite.
Chaudhary, Sreesh Chandra. 1983. "Word Stress in Vietnamese: a Preliminary Investigation." In Indian Linguistics, 44 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Chau, Hoang Thi. 2004. "Peculiarities and Evolution of Hue Speech." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 153. cite.
Chausuan, Em-orn. 2003. "/tâŋ/ in Lao." In Phaasaa lae watthanatham = Journal of language and culture, 22 , no. 1: 64-77. cite.
Michaud, Alexis. 2006. "Tonal Reassociation and Rising Tonal Contours in Naxi." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 29 , no. 1: 61-94. cite.
Radiah Yusoff. 2000. "“Weltanschauung” Semantik Melayu Terhadap Sungai : Kajian Makna Tak Harfiah Dalam Bahasa Kiasan Dan Pantun." In Dewan Bahasa, 44 , no. 7: 738-748. cite.
Chaudhury, Kailash Chandra. 1932. "Bodo Bhasha Sangraha." . cite.
Mao tsung-Wu, and Chau Tsu-Yao. 1962. "Yao-tsu YĂĽ-yen Kai-k'uang." In CKYW, 141-8. cite.
Mao tsung-Wu, and Chau Tsu-Yao. 1972. "A Brief Description of the Yao Language." In MYLS, 239-56. cite.
NgĂ´ Quang Chau. 1946. "TI-TR?:." In LANG :, . cite.
Chaudhuri, K. N. 1962. "[Untitled]." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 25 , no. 1/3: 627--628. School of Oriental and African Studies. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1983. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 103 , no. 4: 804--806. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1986. "The Saddles of the Bronze Horses of Lei-t'ai." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 106 , no. 1: 41--48. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1986. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 106 , no. 2: 399--400. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, David W. 1988. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 108 , no. 3: 507--508. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1990. "A New Translation of the Hsun-Tzu." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 110 , no. 3: 487--492. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1991. "Some Ritual Privileges in Early Imperial China." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 111 , no. 2: 277--282. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1991. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 111 , no. 3: 613--615. American Oriental Society. cite.
Schaub, R. Thomas. 1998. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 118 , no. 2: 281--282. American Oriental Society. cite.
Chou, Diana Yeongchau. 2003. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 123 , no. 2: 415--417. American Oriental Society. cite.
Schauffler, William G. 1851. "Shabbathai Zevi and His Followers." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2: 1+3-26. American Oriental Society. cite.
Reischauer, Robert K. 1937. "The Japanese Shoen ([Zhuang] [Yuan]), or Manor: Some Useful Terminology." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 57 , no. 1: 78--83. American Oriental Society. cite.
Reischauer, Edwin O. 1940. "Romaji or Romazi." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 60 , no. 1: 82--89. American Oriental Society. cite.
Ross, Marvin Chauncey. 1940. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 60 , no. 3: 424--426. American Oriental Society. cite.
Ross, Marvin Chauncey. 1940. "A Pair of Lost Byzantine Doors." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 60 , no. 4: 576--578. American Oriental Society. cite.
Reischauer, A. K. 1950. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 70 , no. 1: 61--63. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1958. "A Note On the Textual Criticism of the Formula For the Bow-and-Arrow Gifts in the Tso Chuan." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 78 , no. 1: 41--49. American Oriental Society. cite.
Reischauer, Edwin O. 1959. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 79 , no. 1: 68--70. American Oriental Society. cite.
Goodrich Chauncey S. and Dub Professor. 1959. "Professor Dubs' Translation of the Biography of Wang Mang." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 79 , no. 2: 104--123. American Oriental Society. cite.
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Goodrich, Chauncey S. 1962. "Some Remarks On Arrows in the Ancient Chinese Legal Process." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 82 , no. 4: 532--544. American Oriental Society. cite.
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DJVU PDF Nguyen Dang Chau. 2000. "An Official Orthography For C'tu Language." In The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Hochiminh City, 231-237. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. cite.
DJVU PDF Hoang Thi Chau. 2001. "Phonetic Typology of Languages in Vietnam and a Common Transcription For Them–Aspects of Vietnamese and the Jing Language of Guangxi China." In Papers from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak. Tempe, Arizona, 193-211. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.