6 papers found searching for papers by "csoma" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Csoma de körös, Alexander. 1834. "A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English." . cite. STATS (1)
Csoma, Sandor Korosi. xxxx. "Tibetan-English Dictionary." . cite. STATS
Csoma, Sandor Korosi. xxxx. "Grammar of the Tibetan Language." . cite. STATS
Csoma, Sandor Korasi. xxxx. "A Dictionary of Tibetan and English." . cite. STATS
Csoma de körös, Alexander. 1834. "Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English." . cite. STATS
Csoma de körös, Alexander. 0nd0. "Sanskrit--Tibetan--English Vocabulary, Being An Edition and Translation of the Mahāvyutpatti." . cite. STATS