Results7 papers found searching for papers by "dempsey" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 2DJVUPDF Dempsey, Jakob. 2003. "Analysis of Rime-Groups in Northern-Burmish." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 26 , no. 1: 59-117. cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Dempsey, Jakob. 2001. "Remarks On the Vowel System of Old Burmese." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 24 , no. 2: 205-234. cite.
Dempsey, Jakob. 1993. "“Ergativity in Milarepa’s Rnam ‧ Thar ” : Another Viewpoint." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 16 , no. 2: 113-120. cite.
Dempsey, Hugh A. 1970. "Claude Everett Schaeffer 1901-1969." In American Anthropologist, 72 , no. 6: 1409--1411. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Dempsey, Deirdre. 1994. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 114 , no. 3: 509--510. American Oriental Society. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dempsey, Jakob. 2000. "Initial Consonants in Yipo-Burmic and Their Effect On Tonogenesis with Special Attention To Stop-final Syllables." In The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibentan Languages and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 15-27. Ramkhamhaeng University. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Dempsey, Jakob. 1992. "'Ergativity in Milarepa's <i>Rnam.thar</i>': Another Viewpoint." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 16 , no. 2: 113-120. cite.