Results30 papers found searching for papers by "duanmu" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 3 San, Duanmu. A Formal Study of Syllable, Tone, Stress and Domain in Chinese Languages. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1990. cite.
STATS (4) DJVUPDF Duanmu, San. 1992. "An Autosegmental Analysis of Tone in Four Tibetan Languages." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 15 , no. 1: 65-91. cite.
STATS (3) DJVUPDF Duanmu, San. 1992. "A Featural Analysis of Some Onset-vowel Interactions." In Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. 141-158. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
STATS (2) DJVUPDF Duanmu, San. 1994. "The Phonology of the Glottal Stop in Garo." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 17 , no. 2: 69-82. cite.
Duanmu, San. 1992. "Stress and Syntax-phonology Mismatches: Tonal Domains in Danyang and Shanghai." In The proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Stanford, Calif, edited by Dawn Bates. 127-137. Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Duanmu, San. 1993. "Rime Length, Stress, and Association Domains." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 2 , no. 1: . cite.
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Stress and the Development of Disyllabic Words in Chinese." In Diachronica : international journal for historical linguistics = revue internationale pour la linguistique historique = internationale Zeitschrift für historische Linguistik, 16 , no. 1: 1-35. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1994. "Against Contour Tone Units." In Linguistic inquiry, 25 , no. 4: 555-608. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1997. "Recursive Constraint Evaluation in Optimality Theory : Evidence From Cyclic Compounds in Shanghai." In Natural language and linguistic theory, 15 , no. 3: 465-507. cite.
Duanmu, San. 1990. "Tonal Patterns in Chinese Regulated Verse: Phonological Rules or Phonological Constraints?" In Student conference in linguistics. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Thomas Green and Sigal Uziel. 177-189. Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. cite.
Kim, Mi-Ryoung and San Duanmu. 2000. "The Interaction Between Consonant Types and Tone of the Chonnam Dialect of Korean." In Korean Linguistics: Journal of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 10: . cite.
Duanmu, San. 1999. "The Syllable in Chinese." In The syllable: views and facts, edited by Harry van der Hulst and Nancy A. Ritter. 477-499. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Duanmu, San. 1999. "Metrical Structure and Tone: Evidence From Mandarin and Shanghai." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 8 , no. 1: . cite.
Duanmu, San. 1995. "Metrical and Tonal Phonology of Compounds in Two Chinese Dialects." In Language, 71 , no. 2: 225--259. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Kim, Mi-Ryoung and San Duanmu. 2004. "'Tense' and 'lax' Stops in Korean." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 13 , no. 1: . cite.
Duanmu, San. 1992. "Re-examining Contour Tone Units in Chinese Languages." In Proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 14-17, 1992: special session on the typology of tone languages. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Laura A., et al. Buszard-welcher. 80-91. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite.
Duanmu, San. 1997. "Phonologically Motivated Word Order Movement: Evidence From Chinese Compounds." In Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 27 , no. 1: . cite.
Duanmu, San. 2004. "Left-headed Feet and Phrasal Stress in Chinese." In Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 33 , no. 1: . cite.
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Metrical Structure and Tone : Evidence From Mandarin and Shanghai." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 8 , no. 1: 1-38. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1993. "Rime Length, Stress, and Association Domains." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 2 , no. 1: 1-44. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1991. "Stress and Syntax-phonology Mismatches : Tonal Domains in Danyang and Shanghai." In Proceedings of the West Coast conference on formal linguistics, 10: 127-137. cite.
San, Duanmu. 2000. "The Phonology of Standard Chinese." xv, 300 p. Oxford UP.. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1999. "Alignment and the Cycle Are Different." In The derivational residue in phonological optimality theory, edited by Ben Hermans Marc van Oostendorp. 129-152. Benjamins. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1992. "End-based Theory, Cyclic Stress, and Tonal Domains." In CLS : proceedings from the ... meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Part 1: The main session. Part 2: The panels, 28 , no. 2: 65-76. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1995. "Metrical and Tonal Phonology of Compounds in Two Chinese Dialects." In Language : journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 71 , no. 2: 225-259. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1997. "Phonologically Motivated Word Order Movement : Evidence From Chinese Compounds." In Studies in the linguistic sciences, 27 , no. 1: 49-77. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1996. "Pre-juncture Lengthening and Foot Binarity." In Studies in the linguistic sciences, 26 , no. 1-2: 95-115. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1992. "Re-examining Contour Tone Units in Chinese Languages." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 18S: 80-91. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1994. "Syllabic Weight and Syllabic Duration : a Correlation Between Phonology and Phonetics." In Phonology, 11 , no. 1: 1-24. cite.
San, Duanmu. 1994. "The Phonology of the Glottal Stop in Garo." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 17 , no. 2: 69-82. cite.